bc power story

How thermal energy generates

in a thermal power plant they usually are built by rivers needing a large supply of cold water to con dense the steam.First water gets heated and turns into steam, the steam turbine (spinning wheel that gets energy from gas or liquid) gets rotated withe help of high pressure and temperature, Steam turbines are more powerful than wind and water turbines.the steam turbine gets rotated 100-200 times faster than the wind mill spins. this roatating is transferred into a genorator to produce the electricity.Thos turns steam partly into water using condensers And giant concrete cooling towers,this method allows steam to expand more wich the turbine extracts the maximum amount of energy from it making the electricity genorating process much more efficient.


-Fossil fuels are the easiest source of energy that is found under earths crust.

-The technology used to harness fossil fuel energy is more developed.

-With the endless amount of coal, oil and gas are relatively cheaper than other fuel sources used on a daily.


-pollution, because they use so many fossil fuels for generating electricity it becomes very harmful to our enviorment.

-Thermal plants set to generate electricity are very expensive.

-using so much coal, oil and such there will not be much left for up ocming generations.

-The waste disposal for fossil fuels can end up in our ocean, being extrememly toxic for marine life.


How hydroelectric energy is generated

hydroelectric power= generation of power through streaminig water (the most used renewable source of energy in the world)The first thing they do is build a dam on a very large river that has a high drop in elevation, near the bottom of the dam wall there is a water intake.Gravity causes  it to fall through the penstock inside the dam, at the end of the penstock ther is a turbine propeller , wich turns by the movement of water , the shaft from the turbine goes up into a genorator, produces the power and now connects to power lines that are connected to the genorated,through those power lines they carry electricity into our homes.



-because hydroelectric energy is green there is no pollution within itself other than building this power plat.

-hydroelectricity is very safe, there is no fuel, fossil fuel or nuclear energy involved.

-this power plant is very inexpensive to maintain, meaning very few repairs or replacements.


-pretty expensive to build (like most power plants)

-they use up so much water it could possibly cause a dry-spell to occur, and we will end up with not enough water to produce power.

-floods in low lying areas: people living in low lying areas are highly in danger when water is released in full force from the dam.

One thought on “bc power story

  1. This is a good summary of what local power generation looks like in thermal electric and hydro electric plants. I was hoping you might include some transmission information, pictures and references into your post.

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