Barney ToonDoo

Exposition: ” We are alone on the island now , Barney and i. ”

Rising Action: ” I have given him a complete run of the place. ”

Rising Action: ” For the past two days I have to keep Barney confined and hoe he hates it. ”

Rising Action: “After a quick survey of the room he returned to his cage, sprang up on the door handle , removed the key with his teeth , and before I could stop him , he was out the window. ”

Rising Action: ” By the time I reached the yard I spied him on the coping of the well, and I arrived on the spot only in time to hear the key splash into the water below.”

Climax: ” A few feet from the top I heard an exciting squeak from Barney , and upon obtaining ground level I observed that the rope was almost completely severed. ”

Falling Action: ” Perhaps I should fix myself a sandwich as I may be down there longer than seems likely at the moment. ”

Resolution: ” Don not look for my body as I will caste myself into the see you mite bring a couple of young rats and leeve them as a living memorial to Barney. Females-no m

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