Month: November 2016

What Darwin Never Knew

How did the discovery of DNA prove that Darwin’s theory of evolution was correct and how does it change the way we view evolution today and into the future?

Darwin’s book on evolution was based on natural selection and how organisms will have a variety of changes in their physical and/or behavioural traits over a period of time due to their environment, and the organisms surrounding it. These changes will help the organism survive in it’s habitat. This goes along with when Darwin was looking at the finches and realized they all had different physical and behavioural characteristics. It helped him to realize that even though they are the same species, they will all have very different and unique DNA, and it all depends on the animal’s role in it’s environment and the things it need to do to survive. Over long periods of time these adaptions will be noticeable and will assist the organism in it’s field. This has helped with and altered the way we view evolution today because human’s realized that all species of animals, reptiles, and even plants, are connected in some very important way. Some examples of this is animals acquiring wings to help them fly, feathers or fur to keep them warm, large beaks for food and defense, and webbed feet for easier transportation through water. Because of Darwin’s theory and discoveries, we have been able to make many more of them and explore so many new ideas with evolution and how it is still in process today.