Theme Park Final Project

Theme Park Final Project

During this project I was responsible for creating the map of our theme park along with the rides. I thoughtfully designed and invented creative rides which connected to the story and provided visuals and descriptions to allow others to understand what the rides entail. Despite the difficulties I faced while designing the map, I was able to improve my digital literacy competencies and learn how to operate a new program to design our theme park. I carefully picked and placed characters, rides, shows and merchandise in the spot which fit them the most, allowing for their seamless integration into our theme park. In addition to my contributions through creating the rides and the map, I provided ideas and insight on other potential elements within the theme park. I helped brainstorm with my group members about different ideas for their portions of the project and they helped me as well. I am super grateful to have had such an amazing and helpful group who all equally contributed and completed what was asked of them. My understanding of the novel certainly improved while completing this project as it forced me to dig back into the plot and reoccurring symbols in the story to create and connect my rides in an interesting way. Through reading different parts of the story a second time I was able to better understand not only the plot but also the characters and their personalities.