Eggs At Home

Eggs At Home

Recipe Hunt:

  1. Breakfast: Asparagus with Poached Egg and Prosciutto

Sauteed asparagus topped with prosciutto and a poached egg.

  1. Lunch: Spinach & Cheese Muffin Tin Frittatas 

Bite sized frittatas with spinach, cheese and of course eggs!

A frittata is an egg dish consisting of fried and beaten eggs.

  1. Dinner: Tortilla Eggs

A tortilla containing an egg, topped with various vegetables.

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Analyzing Advertising Strategies

Analyzing Advertising Strategies

Advertisement #1:

Product name:

Fruit by the foot

Images, colours and font style

This ad is part of a series of advertisements for fruit by the foot. In each ad there is a different things on the other side of the fruit by the foot. In this case it is a unicorn, unicorns are usually associated with magic and rainbows which are two things that appeal to younger kids.

Emotions and themes

A few themes this ad provokes are adventure, mystery, fantasy and magic. Mystery due to the fact that in the series of ads there is always something different at the end of the fruit by the foot. The character used in this specific ad which is a unicorn symbolizes magic and fantasy. Usually these two thing lead to an adventure which appeals to kids who want to try the product so they can see what is on the end of their fruit by the foot.

Consumer target 

Younger kids probably around the ages from 8-11. We can determine this by the characters used in the ad, including a unicorn and a younger teenager. The unicorn is a character that appeals much more to younger kids than teenagers.

Advertising strategies and messages conveyed

This ad is selling adventure an fun for children. A mystery at the end of every fruit by the foot.

Advertisement #2

Product name:

Fruit Loops

Images, colour, font style:

Bright colours are used in the commercial as well as more brown toned colours during the flashback in the commercial which shows the differences in time during the ad. We can also notice that the O’s in the froot loops label are instead of normal font replaced with an actual image of the froot loops.

Emotions and themes:

Just like fruit by the foot this ad is centered around adventure. As well as an aspect of storytelling as Toucan Sam explains a story about pirates to the younger toucans. This appeals to younger kids interest in adventure and story telling.

Consumer target:

This ad is also targeted towards younger kids probably around 6-8. We can determine this by the characters and the tactics used which are listed below.

Advertising strategies and messages conveyed

Using the aspect of adventure, storytelling and fun it is clear that this is trying to target towards kids and their interest in mysteries and stories. This commercial shows how froot loops are fun and create an adventure in every bowl.

#Slay ou #Nay

#Slay ou #Nay


Marie Antoinette


Les paysans:  Vous pensez que vous vivez un vit difficile et dur comme nous? Vous etes fou pour penser que votre vie est meme une peut similaire à notre!

Un Autrichien: Etes-vous seulement entrain de sortir avec Louis pour créer une alliance entre l’Autriche et la France?!

Un bourgeois: Nous n’aimons pas la système comment vous gouvernez! Nous voulons de la changement!

Un Huguenot: Pourquoi est-ce votre marie déteste tous les personnes qui ne sont pas catholiques? Nous voulons de la justice!