The Secret Life of Walter Mitty

He took one last drag on his cigarette and snapped it away. Then with that faint, fleeting smile playing about his lips, he faced the firing squad; erect and motionless, proud and disdainful, Walter Mitty the Undefeated, inscrutable to the last… 

“Are you alright sir?” a small boy tapped Walter’s shoulder, waking him up from his day dream. The people around Walter are smirking, trying to hold in their laughter. Walter was distraught and decided to run away and find his wife.

“Walter!” Mrs. Mitty screamed.

“What is going on with you? Why are you acting so odd lately? Walter I am worried and embarrassed!” Mrs. Mitty was yelling at Walter. Everyone a mile away could hear the insolent tone in her voice.

“You wouldn’t understand. Let’s go home.” Walter insinuated that he did not want to speak about the thoughts going through her brain. He suddenly grabbed the hands of his wife and started leading her to their car.

“Why can’t you tell me? I’m your wife!” Mrs. Mitty was screaming at Walter at this point, the screams able to be heard from China.

“Just get in the car.” Walter says softly, trying his best to ignore his wife. The car ride was quiet; the pitter-patter of rain hitting the window of their car….

“The fish, look at the fish!” Martin yelled out of excitement. The alarm blares signaling Martin’s submarine had reached its greatest depth.

“I wonder what lays deeper beyond, shall we try to go deeper Walter?” Asked Martin. As the submarine rumbled to propel them deeper towards the ocean floor, the alarm blared again, but this time Walter got up to shut it off. The sound system inside the submarine played the noises of a nearby pack of dolphins. Walter and Martin both peered out the window, grins ear to ear.

“Magnificent, isn’t it Martin?” As the two men ventured deeper the air pressure inside the ship began to feel for tightened. As the capsule reached 500 meters, 200 meters deeper than capable, a small pang was heard.

“Walter, what was that?” Asked Martin who now looked more frightened than ever. Then all at once the submarine door burst and water rushed in with great force. Walter and Martin were smashed up against the walls of the submarine. Walter knew this was the end, at last the undefeated Walter was in a struggle…