Sama Salehi
September 13, 2015
English 9
Mr. Barazzuol
Graphic Novel Assignment
1) Exposition
“I’d like to inquire about a lot,” the old man said, the effort of his decision evident in his voice.” (115)
2) Rising Action
“”I’d prefer an older location.” The old man looked down at his unpolished shoes, embarrassed.”” (115)
3) Rising Action
“Am I allowed…” He hesitated, correcting himself. “Is the purchaser allowed to visit it at any time?” (117)
4) Rising Action
“The contract can be worded to accord with you wishes.” “My last wishes,” the old man said.” (118)
5) Climax
“How dare you operate a beehive in this cemetery.” (119)
6) Falling Action
“Of course, in my small rooming house it was out of the question. Then I saw this beautiful land and acquire property of my own.” (120)
7) Falling Action
“Why? Because of my bees. They pollinate your flowers. Now, if you could spare me a few moments.” (120)
8) Denouement
“I have reached an important decision: I should like to buy another lot.” (121)