Social Media Video Essay

Social Media is an important part of almost everyone’s day to day life in today’s day and age. There are some people who will say that social media is something everyone should stop using, but I’m here to convince those people otherwise. There are so many different things people can use social media for, weather it be starting a business, meeting new people, or learning new things, social media can be a very useful thing.

People who want to start in the business industry, can find social media to be very useful when starting out. There are many different platforms that people can use to gain an audience and start a business, such as YouTube and Instagram. They are both free platforms that many people use to make a living, either with paid promotions or advertisements. Social media can also help those who are in the business industry, when it comes to gaining an audience. Since we all use it, people can reach us with their wide variety of different content.
We can use social media to easily do research and learn new things. It’s the fastest way to get information the mass population, by using different news sources, or simply writing an article, or even paragraph. It’s one of the easiest ways to learn about different topics, and even new languages, which brings me right to my nest point.
Social media can be used to communicate with new people, across the world, that we wouldn’t have ever met otherwise. Instead of having to phone someone and hoping they’re available to find out where they are, or what they’ve been up to, we can now simply send them a photo, or a quick message, that they can see when they have the time.

In the end, social media is something that just about everyone uses, and even if there are some cons to it, there are many more pros that outweigh that, and overall, we aren’t going to stop using social media, because of the pros that come with it.

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