Problem Situation

1. Do you think that John and Emily are deceiving themselves about being able to do well in their English class?
Yes. They are both expecting to get a B on their final assignment even though that is not likely to happen with them putting their efforts in post-season games, decorating for their dance, and socializing with other students.

2. What do you think might be the result of the schedule they are following?
There would be a high chance of them becoming stressed with everything they are trying to accomplish, and there is a low chance that their final grades will be affected with minimal effort in the class.

3. If they don’t do well in their English work, will they blame others or themselves?
It would depend on their personalities. They should blame themselves since it is them trying to do so much; they arenèt being forced by others to do any of the work. If they are self-centered, they would probably blame others.

4. What, if anything, might you do differently if you were in their place?
I would try to get help and prioritize the things that are most important for me. If I really needed to do well on the English project, I would do my best to finish that first, and explain the situation to the team and decoration committee to let them know that you may not be as present.

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