
I  know I can’t survive the summer heat

I must now leave my dark and cold room

I could go make some ice cold ice cream

Then I will make some awesome fresh food


The sun will burn my eyes

When I take a step outside

Then I will team up with some awesome spies

we will kill the sun until it has died


I will take cover with the all of the spies

too bad they won’t climb any kind trees

because they hate physical exercise

At least I know that they will never scream


Too bad I wont get ice cream for my brunch

5 thoughts on “sonnet”

  1. I loved your poem very much, it’s very inspiring and I love how your telling a story. It’s very powerful and I low how the sun is involved because sun can be very bright and can mean so much more. Great work! 🙂

  2. Great sonnet, I could feel the hot summer days reading this. Loved the line “I must now leave my dark and cold room” and could completely relate.

  3. I enjoyed reading/listening to your sonnet! I really liked how you weren’t just talking about a subject during your assignment but more telling a story, about conquering the heat of summer days! I loved how you used such imagery during your sonnet because it made me feel as if I myself was experiencing what was going on in it. One line in particular gave me a clear visual of what was going on in your sonnet and that was “I must now leave my cold and dark room”. My favourite line in your whole sonnet would have to be ” I know I can’t survive the summer’s heat”. I liked this particular line because every word you said in this line was the truth”.

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