Narrative Essay – Hitchhiking Hazards

“Crap,” Mike mutters fiercely as he digs through his bag. To his dismay, there’s not a coin in sight. Not even a penny. He is a few kilometres away from home, and he needs to be there by 7:30pm at the latest. It’s probably way past that but he doesn’t know. He forgot his watch […]

A hint of Italy in our own backyard Spacca Napoli Pizzeria is a true Italian restaurant that lets you travel to Italy through your taste buds, without worrying about finding an affordable plane ticket. The first step through the glass front door is an assault of various scents including: peppery tomato sauce, sizzling meat and melted cheese. The hostess (Or sometimes hostesses) […]

First They Came For…

Adapted from the poem by Matin Niemöller “First They Came for the Jews” in response to the poem “Danger of Silence”   First they came for the immigrants and I did not speak out because I was not an immigrant.   Then they came for the disabled and I did not speak out because I […]

What it means to be human…

Humans want to communicate Humans have/need a dream Humans have a desire to help others Humans seek happiness Humans need friends/ Humans need companions Humans want to learn Humans need to express their emotions Humans can be ignorant and should be more aware Humans are violent Humans fight for what they believe in Humans have […]