Digital Footprint
Question 1: how might my digital footprint affect your future opportunities?
My digital footprint has a big impact on my future career/opportunities. What I post now can change what my employers or other important people in my life think about me, if I post the wrong thing today, I could get rejected from a good career in the future.
Question 2: three strategies that can keep my Digital Footprint appropriate and safe.
Always double check what your posting whether it be photos on Instagram or Twitter posts, anything you say or do can and will affect your future. Keep a cool head, if I get hot-headed you might post something I will regret in the future out of pure anger. Lost of people will try to annoy me and get on my nerves to set me off, and I need to act proactive rather than reactive about it. Use spellcheck, grammar issues can tell you a lot about somebody, and of your employer sees that you can’t spell friend F.R.E.I.N.D I don’t think that they will be too impressed, This is just a tiny tip.
Question 3: what information did you learn that you would pass on to other students?
Keep your Digital Footprint safe and appropriate to insure yourself a future with no Internet related problems; immaturity, inappropriate, safety. Double check what you post, and always be safe.