Palladium Information Fluency



One of the main questions I used to create this sway was what is the history of Palladium.

A new tool I used to create this sway was: creative commons, Pexels, and sway.

I followed the criteria to create the project and that’s how I investigated my topic.

I cited the information by going to a site where you can use free-to-use images that were not copyright such as CreativeCommons and Pexels. I then pasted the provided URL in the sources box at the bottom of my sway.

I thought this project could’ve been better if it was a more popular element as not a lot of people are interested in Palladium. I felt I did this project well and close to the best of my ability given the information I could find and the only I believe could’ve been better was the sourcing. I’m still trying to figure it out but I think I did a good job

Digital Footprint

How might your digital footprint
affect your future opportunities?
Give at least two examples. So far I don’t think my digital footprint will affect any future opportunities simply because there isn’t too much to find.
The only flaw I see is if that in the future I might make a joke on rather Instagram or TikTok that might not be taken as a joke by all the delicate snowflakes of our society.  If something positive shows online this can be beneficial for opportunities as they might take more interest in me.

Group of friends at a birthday partyPhoto of two young women in cap and gown, holding their diplomas   (left picture bad) (right picture good)

Describe at least three strategies that you can use to keep your
digital footprint appropriate and

A way I can keep my footprint secure is by checking two-factor authentications and privacy settings. I can also take things down if they are unnecessary and lead to different and sometimes irrelevant information. I should think twice before posting things as some people get offended extremely easily as well as I should choose my words carefully.

Is two-factor authentication (2FA) as secure as it seems? - Malwarebytes  Labs | Malwarebytes Read Twice, Send Once eBook: Sorden Ed.D, Bobby: Kindle Store

What information did you learn
that you would pass on to other
students? How would you go
about telling them?

I would encourage them to think twice before posting things as they can pop up in the future. I would tell them lightheartedly and not aggressively because I still want them to feel comfortable posting their opinions and whatnot, but just to choose their words carefully.


ThinkTwice | Awareness. Training. Consultancy.Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me. - ppt  download



Article title: How to Choose a Birthday Party Theme | Rocky Mount
Website title: Rocky Mount Event Center
Website title:
Article title: 20 Tips for Great Graduation Day Photos | Nikon
Website title:
Article title: ThinkTwice | Awareness. Training. Consultancy.
Website title:
Author Brown Dave Martin
Article title: Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me. – ppt download
Website title: