First They Came For…

Adapted from the poem by Martin Niemoller “First They Came for the Jews” in response to the poem “Danger of Silence”     First they came for the homeless and I did not speak out because I was not an homeless. Then they came for the disabled people and I did not speak out because […]

What it means to be human…

Humans want to feel included Humans persist in difficult situation Humans need friends and family Humans need hopes and dreams Humans need to communicate Humans need to understand others Humans adapt to different environment (good and bad) Humans seek new knowledge Humans are greedy Humans sometimes strive to be a better society Humans can cause […]

Float Your Boat! – Scientific Method Project

HYPOTHESIS(仮説):  (Use an “If…then…”statement) If bottom part of the boat is bigger, then the buoyancy of the boast will increase and it will hold more pennies.If I can reinforce for floating, then the buoyancy of the boast will increase and it will hold more pennies. IDEA FOR ORIGINAL DESIGN:  Insert image and write a description […]