This is a presentation on Digital Footprints and how to keep them safe.
- How might your digital footprint affect your future opportunities? Give at least two examples.
Answer: Your digital footprint can affect your future if you use social media and other online sources inappropriately. Future post secondary schools may look in to your online presence as part of their admission process. If you plan to go to college or university after graduation, consider the fact that they might be checking out your digital footprint. Also, future employers will most likely check in to your online presence when they are looking to hire you. If they something inappropriate, they probably won’t hire you.
2. Describe at least three strategies that you can use to keep your digital footprint appropriate and safe.
Answer: The first strategy that you can use is to keep your social media accounts private and do not allow anyone one to follow you if you do not know them. The second strategy you can use is apply the THINK method before posting anything online ( Is it true, is it helpful, is it inspiring, is it necessary and is it kind). The third strategy you can use is to remember how this could possibly affect you in the future before posting.
3. What information did you learn that you would pass on to other students? How would you go about telling them?
Answer: I learned from the video that up to 70% of employers will look into your online presence before they hire you. They suggested that you really filter what you put online. They say to be protective and selective about what you put out there. They also recommended to be very vigilant about your privacy settings. They strongly urge everyone to research themselves to see what is out there for the public to see.