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La mode Sportive
La Nouvelle Mode Sportive
Saviez-vous que les vêtements de sport peuvent être innovants? Les vêtements de sport sont confortables et polyvalents morceaux de vêtements. Ils peuvent être mélangé et assorti avec un t-shirt simple ou le jean. Avec les vêtements de sport, vous pouvez être prêt pour un entraînement ou se sentir à l’aise durant la journée. La Nouvelle Mode Sports a tout les nouvelle tendances vous avez besoin pour cette année. Nous parlons de maillot de bain, vêtements de soccer, vêtements du danse, et vêtements de baseball avec une torsion. Lire jusqu’à date sur la nouvelle fashions qui sont en hausse en 2020 dans notre nouvel article. Après avoir lu cet article, vous ne serez jamais devoir jeter votre ancien ou une taille trop petit tenue de sport encore! .
Les Vêtements de la Danse
Êtes-vous les danseurs et vous avez trop de vieux justaucorps que vous ne portez plus ? Sortez-les de l’arrière de vos placards et préparez-vous de les porter encore ! Oui, pour la nouvelle mode, nous revenons aux années 80. Nous étions inspirer par comment les gens portaient leurs vêtements de sport à cette époque. Mais, il y a un peu de différence. Vous avez vos tenues normales et vous avez les justaucorps, mais que se passe-t-il quand vous mélangez-les ensemble ? C’est simple ! Juste mettez vos justaucorps par-dessus de vos tenues. Oubliez votre style qui était si ennuyeux, et pimentez votre style avec cette nouvelle tendance. Vous serez le mieux habillé pour chaque occasion. Vous pouvez non seulement mettre un justaucorps sur vos tenues de sport, mais vous pouvez également le porter sur une tenue élégante pour des occasions plus propres. Les justaucorps sont les vêtements les plus divers, car vous pouvez les porter par-dessus tout ce que vous voulez. Vous aviez les tenues laides, mais maintenant vous êtes la personne la plus en vogue. Dans la passé, vous pouviez marcher dans les couloirs et personne ne vous remarquait, mais maintenant vous avez l’attention de toute le monde quand vous marchez sur la piste comme une modèle.
Les Vêtements du Soccer
Qui a vieilles chaussettes du soccer à maison et vous ne savez pas quel fait avec leur? Sont-ils trop petit? Nous pouvons aidez-vous! Pourquoi les jettent, quand vous pouvez les transforment dans la nouvelle mode. La Nouvelle Mode Sport à nouvelle mode, bras les chauds! Ils sont jambières, mais pour votre bras. Nos idées sont plus utiles que notre concurrent. Pourquoi acheter bras les chauds, quand vous pouvez garder votre argent. J’étais heureux avec comment vous pouvez transformer votre vieux vêtement dans une nouvelle mode. Notre mode est plus écologique mieux qu’acheter nouveau bras les chauds. Conduite avec un grand manteau est difficile, mais bras les chauds peut faire il plus facile. Enlevez-vous manteau et simplement mettre votre bras les chauds sûrs. Chaussettes de soccer sont simple, mais peut être chic. J’avais tellement chaussettes du soccer et je ne sais pas quel fait avec leur, jusqu’à la création de bras les chauds. J’utilisais à porter tellement pulls dans l’école parce que c’était trop froid. Avec bras les chauds, je peux porter un t-shirt dans l’école et vous ne sentissez pas froid. Notre mode va donnez vous aussi qualité manufacturé bras les chauds. Ne rater pas sur ce nouvelle mode et garder votre argent!
Les Vêtements de Natation
Hommes peut être fashionistas aussi!
Es-tu allée nager ? Avez-vous été fatigué de la typique vêtements ? Ne sois pas triste ! Vos problèmes sont résolus ! Je portais lunettes de piscine sur ma tête en 2018 est c’est très ancien et moche, maintenant les hipsters porter lunettes de piscine sur le poignet. Parce que c’est très créatif et beau. J’avais une serviette marronne mais maintenant j’ai une serviette blanc. Serviettes blancs sont les plus belles serviettes ! Quand j’étais seize j’aimais rose bonnets de natation mais maintenant j’adore blanc bonnets de natation parce qu’ils sont très chic et magnifique. Chaussettes ne sont pas usé dans la piscine mais maintenant chaussettes sont très moderne et aide à garder vos pieds propres dans la piscine ! Ne pas portant chaussettes est moins appropriée que portant chaussettes. J’adorais mon sac à dos, parce que c’est très léger, unique, et ça correspond mes vêtements. Le sac à dos était porté sur ton dos mais maintenant vous portez il sur ton de devant ! Nager en maillot de bains est alors l’année dernière maintenant les hipsters portent un T-shirt et pantalon dans la piscine. Cette combinaison est très moderne et ne pas ringarde. Aussi, portant un T-shirt et pantalon aide à garder votre corps échauffer en le froid l’eau.
Les Vêtements de Baseball
Au dèbut, jouers du baseball portait casques de baseball pour protéger leur tête pendant le jeu, mais plus maintenant! Il est étrange mais la plus recent tendance dans le baseball est les chapeaux de santa. C’est bon a l’obstruction de soleil, tu n’as pas regardes au soleil. Tu obtiens une commotion cérébrale c’est d’accord, pas d’effort, pas d’argent. Il est leger et facile à stocker, votre sac est moins lourd que vorte sace d’amis. Les coulers sont vibrant et élégant. Le rouge et le blanc vont ensemble. Avant tu ne pouvais pas regarder chic, le casque de baseball est simple et ancien. Mais les chapeaux de santa n’est pas drab et ordinaire. C’est une excellente façon d’accueillir 2020. Une nouvelle décennie a de nouveaux styles Vous – etes au centre d’attention et c’est tres bien. Tu vas recruté par la meilleure équipe. Tu aimais le baseball encore plus. C’est le parfait pour faire une entrée.
Math 10 Week 6 – Factoring Trinomials
This week, we learned how to factorize trinomials. In this blog post, I am going to show you the steps and tricks you can use.
Expanding an equation is finding the answer by multiplying the two monomials together. But what happens when we go backwards? That is called Factoring.
Let’s say we have an equation that looks like this:
– 32x +48
We need to find the GCF that can be divided into everyone of these terms. In this case, the GCF is 4. Then you will divide each term by four. But if you divide, you also need to multiply the equation by four to cancel it out.
My explanation should look something like this:
4( /4 – 32/4 + 48/4)
Once you have divide each term by their GCF, your answer should look like this:
4( – 8x +12)
ADL Community Connections Interview
Mme. Homeniuk
French Immersion Teacher – Grade 5/6
I chose to interview Natasha because she works with my mom at her school. Ever since I was little, I have always wanted to become a teacher when I grew up. I love working with children and think that teaching would be the best choice for me. I would like to work at the elementary level and even become a French immersion teacher.
I have learned from this interview that this is a job that requires a lot of responsibility and patience, but is a beautiful career because you get to make connections with your students and are able watch your students grow and become amazing people in the future.
- I am passionate about being a teacher because I love being a part of child’s growth and success. I love learning myself, and being a teacher is all about learning new things all of the time.
2.It takes a lot of schooling and post secondary education to become a teacher. I spent time being a TOC before I landed a full time position and the first few years of being a teacher is not easy. There is a lot time spent planning, prepping, assessing, conferencing, organizing, collaborating and providing feedback. Some years are harder than others.
- For someone who is interested in becoming a teacher I would tell them that they are choosing a profession that doesn’t allow for you to clock out when the workday is done. Be prepared to work very hard! However, it’s also the most rewarding profession to be in. You get to work with other awesome teachers and the best part is making connections with your students. There is nothing better than seeing your students grow and learn.
- Yes I would be open to further contact.
(own question) What is your favourite part of the job? I have a few favourite parts. I love working with other teachers. The teachers at my school are great and we collaborate a lot on ideas. I love it when my ex students come back to see me! There’s no better feeling when they come for a visit and to say they enjoyed my class. And obviously my favourite part of the job is having a close connection with my students.
(own question) How many years does it take to become a teacher?
I did the PDP program at SFU after I got my degree. I also went back to university to get my 2 year 5+15 graduate diploma. Some people go to UBC to do their teacher training, others have gone to UVIC.
Sites for pictures:….0…1c.1.64.psy-ab..4.6.671…0i67k1.0.CkADci_ouWI#imgrc=76go3RCgUJSGQM:….0…1c.1.64.psy-ab..4.6.671…0i67k1.0.CkADci_ouWI#imgrc=VgCyEHGM1_hDZM:
Solution Fluency Project – Kits for Kids
Define: All around the world, children, adults and families live in poverty. Approximately 1.3 billion people live in conditions of extreme poverty today. This is a big problem in our society. Many people around the world do not have access to the amenities and objects that we take for granted. It’s sad to think that there are children in our world that do not have access to a tooth brush or even a trusty pair of socks. Yes, there are organizations out there, already working on helping people who live in poverty, but the thing that makes us unique, is that we are children taking a stand and making it our mission to help other kids living in poverty. They say that children are the future, let’s help make the future bright an help the children of our world.
Dream: Our plan is to make a package, full of necessities like canned food, small clothing items, toiletries, etc. We are going to start off by creating one packages for one child and send it to a girl in Columbia. Once we know that our package was successfully created and sent, we will start to take our idea further and hopefully create many more packages for children in need, around the world.
Deliver: We are planning on placing all the items that we collected for the package and place them in a box to keep the items safe and unharmed. Then, we are hoping that the package will get hand-delivered to the child that we are giving the package to. We will not be there to deliver it, but we will be there in spirit and we will hope that she will like the package!
Debrief: We are proud that we have been able to think of an idea of how we could help our planet and actually create it! From the beginning, we wanted to fundraise to raise money for the packages and create several packages to give to several kids. Yet, due to our lack of time to fundraise and the amount of money that it would cost to create several packages without being able to fundraise, we decided to start with one package and go from there. I believe that all of us would’ve liked to send more packages then to just one, but we know that if we keep our dream alive and work hard to reach our goal, it will be some day possible. This project has really inspired all of us in our group to help others in our world. No matter how old or how far away you are, there is nothing stopping you from helping others.
Math 9 – Equivalent Expressions
What I Have Learned About Grade 9 Exponents
What is an exponent? What does it tell you to do?
- The exponent of a number says how many times to use a number in multiplication or how many copies are being made of a number.
- An example is = = 125.
- A common mistake made, is that people assume that =
- We need to remember that the exponent is the number of copies being made of the base and not the multiplication of the two numbers.
Evaluating Exponents. How do brackets affect evaluating a power?
- Exponents are lazy!
- If you have = (-3)(-3) = 9
In this case, the exponent 2 sees the negative three in the brackets and copies the whole equation twice.
- However, if you have the equation , the exponent will only copy the 3 (not the negative sign).
-(3)(3) = -9
- Brackets indicate what the exponent should use. So if you would like for the exponent to see a negative base, remember to place the number inside a pair of brackets.
Multiplication Law of exponents.
The multiplication law is simple.
- If the bases are the same number, all you have to do is add the exponents together and the base will stay the way it was.
- Example: = =
- If the bases are different numbers, the question does not fall into the multiplication law category and instead is thought of as a BEDMAS question.
Division Law of exponents.
- The division law is similar to the multiplication law, but with different rules.
- Just like the multiplication law, only if the bases are same number, will this rule be successful.
- But instead of adding the exponents together, we subtract the exponents while using the division law.
- Example: = =
- If the bases are different numbers, this rule will not fall into the division law category and instead will also be thought of as a BEDMAS question.
Power of a Power Law.
- When you see a question that looks like this , you can use the power of a power law.
- All you have to do, is to multiply the two exponents (the exponent on the inside of the brackets and the exponent on the outside of the brackets).
- Example: = =
BEDMAS – When is an exponent question really a BEDMAS question?
- We use the BEDMAS technique when we are adding exponents and subtracting exponents, no matter what the base is. We also use BEDMAS when we are multiplying and dividing exponents, but only when the bases are different numbers.
- Before we evaluate a BEDMAS question, we always need to remember the order of operations.
- In a question including brackets, we always do the work that is inside the brackets first. Example:
= = +
= 256 + 2 = 258
With any question using addition, subtraction, division or multiplication, that does not include brackets in the question, you always do the exponent work first and then evaluate the existing numbers using the symbol that is requested. Example:
= = 128