Blog Log #2 – Dangers of Amazon Alexa

Dangers of Amazon Alexa

I found this article intriguing because I own an Amazon Alexa. I have placed it in my room, where I use it to complete simple tasks for me like turning on my lamp or telling me the weather for the next morning. I believe that the Amazon Alexa is harmless if used and stored in a proper environment. In my opinion, I find this device to be less of a spy and more of a helper. The Amazon Alexa only records one second videos at a time. It listens to each video waiting to hear the commence word, which is “Alexa”. This device will only record longer clips if I feels that you have said the commence word and believes that you are directly speaking to it. I have heard many horror stories about audio recorded off of the Amazon Alexa being mistakenly misused. I believe that if you are aware of what you are saying in front of the device, then there should not be a problem. Most people refuse to purchase an Alexa mainly for privacy reasons. This goes back to my point of being verbally aware of the content that comes out of your mouth. I believe that I you are willing to get an Alexa like I was, then you should only talk around the device in the same manner of how you would speak in a public setting. Otherwise, the Alexa is quite handy to have. I am not worried that anything I say around my Alexa would do harm, as I am always aware of what I say or search while dealing with technology. I believe that the advancement in technology is both a blessing when wisely handled and a curse when inappropriately managed.

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