Blog Log #1 – The Impact of Dance

I was interested in this article because I am a dancer myself and love reading about science and history of dance. Dance is one of my passions and I find it very intriguing to learn more about this topic. Reading this article, I noticed that the author is very fact based as they wrote this article explaining why it is a human desire to dance. I enjoyed learning the true facts behind the love for dance. The article stated that dance forms a bond between humans and causes people to connect through movement. I was able to make a connection to my own experience. I dance on a team and I feel very connected to my other team members when we are all dancing in unison. The article also states that dance improves our memory, coordinate muscle use, and helps us understand how our movement can be impactful. I find that I can really connect with this statement because I do believe that being a dancer has tremendously benefited my memory and coordination. I believe that dance is both a physical sport and an art form that let’s us express our emotions while forming bonds and improving ourselves.