Initial Graphing Project – Math 10

Part 1

Create your initials using dots on a grid.  Write them in a table of values in the order they should be connected (this can be on a paper or using desmos).  You should have lines with all different slopes (include one that has a slope of zero, and one that is undefined).  One table for each letter.  The letters will be a bit “wonky”.

Post a picture of your tables AND your initials on the grid.

Title: Graphing Letters
Categorize Math 10

Part 2

With a blank desmos grid, enter your points (if you didn’t use desmos originally) and leave as just dots on the gird.

On a new line, in desmos, determine the equation for each line and then include the domain (or range) to get just the section needed to connect the points.

Write equations for EACH line segment.  You can choose to write the equation in general form, slope-y intercept form OR  point-slope form.

In the same post as part 1, post a copy of your equations from desmos (screen clip) or embed your graph and a link to it (only will work if you have created an account and saved the graph), otherwise just screen clip and paste in.

Due: Sunday night

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