Week 11 – Pre Calculus 11

In this week of  pre calc 11, we learned how to graph linear inequalities in two variables and find the solutions for them.

When we have a linear inequalities in two variables like: ( y ≥ 2x + 4 )

  1. First of all we imagine that like a function and graph the line. ( y = 2x + 4 ) For graphing this line we have y-intercepts which is 4 and the slope of our line which is 2.
  2. After graphing the line we should pay attention to our line that should be solid line or dotted. If we have ( > or < ) our line will be dotted but, If we have ( ≥ or ≤ ) our line will be solid.
  3. Then for finding the solution we need a ” Test Point ” . It’s better to use Origin point (0,0) as your test point because it’s easier to work with but if (0,0) point is on your line it’s better to use another point. (You can use ANY point that you want as your test point)
  4. After testing your test point if you ended up with a true statement the area that your test point is in it, it’s your solution but, if you ended up with a false statement the other area is the solution.


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