- what question did you need to research in order to research your topic
- what new or familiar digital tools did you try to use as you worked through this project
- what was the process you used to investigate the topic
- how did you verify and cite the information you found
- how did the process of completing this challenge go? what could you have done better
- what I mostly researched was based of climate change and solar systems
- it was mostly the basics and searching putting it in my own words and i learned more about climate change and my word document looked really good.
- i typed in the question and went to website to website and watched videos and summered it down
- below websites it has dates and it shows that its accurate and i went on NASA’s page for most of it
- the process was a challenge because in the beginning i wasn’t getting the results i wanted and it was getting frustrated but in the end it looks good and the way i talked about it made me more engaged into writing more and i could’ve spent more time on it and made it look better.