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the rise to power


Rise of the Napoleon 

1965 Born on the island of Corsica, Napoleon rapidly rose through the ranks of military during the French Revolution after seizing political power in France in 1799 he crowned himself emperor in 1804. The coup of 18 Brumaire brought general Napoleon Bonaparte to power as first consul of France, and in the view of most historians ended in the Freud Revolution. This occurred on November 9 1799. In 1798 he had military to Egypt that served as a springboard to political power, he engineered s coup in November and became first consul of the republic. His ambition and public approval inspired him to go further, and in 1804 he be one first emperor of the  French. The battle of Waterloo which took place in Belgium on June 18 1815 marked the final defeat of French Military leader and emperor Napoleon Bonaparte 1769-1821 who conquered much of continental Europe in the early 19th century. A French army under the command of Napoleon Bonaparte was defeated by two of the armies of the seventh coalition, a British led allied Mary under the command of the Duke of Wellington and a Prussian Army under the command of Gebhard Leberecht Von Blucher, prince of wahlstatt. there was this code they went by it was the Napoleonic code, French code Napoleon official code des Francais is the French civil code established under napoleon.

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when we lost our king and queen

1793 death of Louis XVI and Marie  

When Louis XVI was killed it was January 21 1793 in the French Revolution I would know because I watched him die, let me introduce my self I’m on of Louis and Marie’s maids I hate them from the bottom of my heart they are both rude and don’t know how to be queen or king.Lets starts from the beginning  Louis and Marie got married At Versailles, the French dauphin Marie Antoinette the daughter of Austrian Archduchess Marie  Theresa and Holy Roman Emperor Francis. France hoped their marriage would strengthen its alliance with Austria and let me tell you we are longtime enemy’s many problems were occurred with Louis being king foods were getting bad and crops failed and to top it off he married Marie all the people were very mad, Many people targeted Marie. No 1788 Louis was forced to reinstate France’s Nation Assembly which quickly curtailed and the Kings powers, in July of the following year the mobs of Paris stormed the hated prison at the Bastille. Feeling the power was shifting on their side the mob forced imprisonment of Louis and his family so Louis attempted to escape but was caught and returned back to Paris and then the republic put him on trial and layer on was killed followed by Marie in the year of 1793

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the power of the clubs

Rise of the political clubs  

The most famous of all political clubs, the Jacobins shaped the course of the revolution between 1792 and 1794 members of the Breton club supported liberal politics reforms including voting by head, the adoption of a Constituent and the  Formation of National Assembly. These clubs began as another type of social event, not unlike the salons, circles and literary association of the 1780’s with like minded people gathering to discuss political matters, the first political clubs were formed early in the revaluation and were relatively informal however as the revolution progressed  they became more organized and formalized. Most clubs developed their own customs and they were required a meeting place and members to attend there regularly. The most famous of all clubs were the Jacobins. The French Revolution first club was the Breton club, it Started as an informal gathering of the 44 third estate deputies at a Versailles Café, at first most of the deputies were Brittany, hence the name of the club. Their meetings discussed problems but mostly provincial issues as well as the proceeding at the estates general, by early June the Bretons had opened their meetings to all regions , during the events in June. 1789 the Breton club gathered before each session of the Estes general in order to discuss strategy. 

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the big war

Revolutionary wars  

April 20 1792 let me tell you about the war in my point of view, I work in the military slim usually never home I have a wife and two boys at home and I miss them very much. I was working on my training skills until our head boss called is in and told us about whats happening, but if you don’t know what happened it was a series of sweeping military conflicts lasting from 1792-1802 very long time, resulting from French Revolution we pitted the French Republic against Briton , Austria and several other Monarchies. In April 1775 British soldiers called lobster backs because of there long red coats the colonists exchanged gunfire at Lexington and concord in Massachusetts described as the shot heard round the world it Signed the start of the American Revolution and led to the creation of a new nation. It started tensions between the American colonies and the British government approached the breaking point especially in Massachusetts where Patriot leaders formed a shadow revolutionary government and trained militias two prepare for armed conflict with the British troops, American Revolutionary War. Britain recognized independent of United States, cedes east Florida, west Florida and Minorca to Spain and Tobago to France. The America Revolutionary war was fought between Great Britain and the original 13 British Colonies in North America. I remember that 17,000 soldiers died of diseases during the Time of the war and from my side 24,000 British soldiers were killed in the war. In the end the American and the French each signed independent treaties with us (Britain) and and we signed the treaty with Paris.

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the 3 main estates

The estates General 

1789 in France under the old regime, the estates general was a legislative and consultative assembly of the different classes of French subject. The first Estate was the clergy, the second Estate the nobility, and the third Estates effectively the rest of French society. The three estates the first estate was the clergy the Second estate was the nobility and the third is the commoners also there’s four estates last estate is the press it was coined in 1837, reflecting their increasing prominence and power. The nobles and clergy are sneaking out the door carrying stacks of money. For most people I. France the estates general system was unfair. Although the first estate and second had much smaller population than the third estate, they had equals ranking in the Estate general. Estate general, in France of the pre Revolutionary monarchy, the representative assembly of the three estates or orders of the realm, the clergy and nobility which were privileged minor ties and the third estate which represented the majority of the people. 

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human civil rights

Declaration of the rights of man and the citizen 

August 26 1789 The Declaration of rights of man of the citizens, set by France national Constituent assembly in 1789 , is a document of the French Revolution and in the history of human civil rights. I’m just a person from the middle class who follows up with the news I have somethings to say about this topic. The declaration of the rights of men and the citizen is one of the most important papers of the French Revolution. This paper explains a list of rights, such as freedom of religion, freedom of speech also freedom of assembly and separation of powers. Declaration of the rights of men and citizen, one of the basic characters if human liberties, containing the principles that inspired the French Revolution. The declaration was drafted by the General Lafayette   And honoured Mirabeau influenced by the doctrine of nature right and the rights of male are held to be universal valid at all times in every place pertaining to human nature itself, it became the basis for a nation of free individuals protected equally by the law. Inspired by the enlightenment philosophers, the declaration was a core statement of the values of French Revolution and had a major impact of development of freedom and democracy in Europe and worldwide.

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the bread fight


March on Versailles 

I’m a 20 year old woman who fought. The woman’s March on Versailles, also known as the October March. The October days it was a day called by many, it was the earliest and most significant events of the French Revolution. It was October 5th 1789 all of the women including myself it was an angry mob of working women almost 7000 working women armed with pitchforks, pikes and muskets, we marched in the rain from Paris to Versailles it was an adventure but it was horrible I’ll tell you that, it was about bread we didn’t have any for our families some men even marched and some Parisians we marched towards Versailles , a driving soaking wet from the rain …. It was the last time the king bass Versailles. If the bread prices went down we wouldn’t be here the prices of bread are so high we can’t afford and our children and elders need bread. It started as little of us women and men and then thousand joined in wanting bread prices to be lowered all the events ended the Kings independence and signified the change of power and reforms, about overtake France the March symbolized power and I’m glad I was apart of it.  See the source image