In this blog post it contains a picture of my group and I’s project. When we started the project we thought we had enough time but trust me we had to rush and our outcome was great, I’m really proud of my group and I because we did a good job adding a bathroom, a living room , bedroom and kitchen. We also have furniture and wallpaper to make it look nice.
group members – Malayna, Katya and myself
reflection on the project – We didn’t have much time on this project and with the time that was given to us we did pretty good we did make mistakes and we did fix them and I’m proud of my group, we all did equal share on the project but Malayna did a lot more and we did all work hard and we deserve good mark and I have learned a lot of new skills and I wish we had more time so we could do more on decorating the house ad make it look nice and have it the way we want it