Blackout Poem

“The Stranger” by the late Gord Downie. During the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, indigenous children were forced to attempt Caucasians trying to erase their residence schools. Children are also victims of harsh abuses, causing many of them to attempt to flee. In the poem, it is talking about a boy Chanie Wenjack, he escaped school because he is forced to study white people’s language and they cannot speak their language, the kid in school weren’t friendly at him. They forced to cut their hair off.  On his way back home, he lost and died. This poem is important because it teaches people what children like Chanie must experience. The treatment given to Indigenous Peoples at the time was unacceptable and inexcusable, especially when young children were torn from their homes. Many Canadians do not know this dark past.

“The Secret Life of Walter Mitty” Narrative

Robin Chen

English 11

4th October 2017

Mr. Barazzuol

Walter Mitty dangling the cigarettes, standing straight to the firing squad. He smiled, he closed his eyes calmly, waiting for the death.

“Pong!”  With a huge shot, Walter Mitty awakened from the dream. He is covered with cold sweat. He hurriedly took out a cigarette from his pocket and start to smoke to let him becomes calm. He walks to the outside. Because it is winter, there’s lots of snow on the ground. It is slip, So he falls on the ground badly as he was unconscious.

When he wakes up, he found that he is in a jail. What the first he comes up in his mind is to escape the jail. Then he starts to plan the way out. He starts to look around the jail. After a few years, when he totally finish the map of the jail. He made chaos by the lunchtime and escape the jail easily.

He steals a car and drives on the highway. He drives to the gas station to fill some gasoline for the car and also he wants to get some food to eat. When he pays for the food. He sees on the tv, the police post his wanted warrant, but the cashier did not know that. So he luckily skips the eyes from others.

He drives far away from the city. He found an old, small hotel where he thinks is pretty safe there. He put on the mask and hat to let him become unobtrusive. He successfully opens a room. But what he doesn’t understand is, when he opens the room, all the police is waiting for him. He got caught easily and mysterious. No one knows how the police know that he will go to that hotel and lives there. And also, that should be the last day he stays in the jail. He should have been released in the afternoon. But now he needs to stay in the jail for 5 years again.

“Zi~~~.” from electric sounds. Walter Mitty feeling his whole body is numb. He wakes up in the hotel. He was pulled back from death by the doctor.

Plot Point Photo Compilation

1 )Exposition

Quote: “Because I do not sleep well I hear my father raising to go to work. I know that in a few minutes he will come in to look at me sleeping.” (pg. 165)

Explanation: This quote reflects that the father is trying to protect his son, but the son thinks that his father is monitoring him. Tells that there is some contradiction between them.

2 )Rising Action

Quote: “‘If I know what you’re doing I don’t worry as much.’ ‘Shit.’” (pg. 165)

Explanation: The son doesn’t want to communicate with father, so the father doesn’t know where the son goes. This is rising action because it created a depressive mood and shows how broken their relationship is.

3)Rising Action

Quote: “Your fingers, orange with nicotine. I pulled you away from death once and now you will not talk to me.”(pg. 166)

Explanation: This quote shows that the son took drugs before, and he nearly died. This is rising action because it gives the background of son’s life, showing one of seasons of their contradiction.

4 )Rising Action

Quote: “The door swings open and he pushes a hand-gun beneath the pillow. Seen long enough, black and squat, dull like a garden slug.  ‘What’s that? Under your pillow?’ ‘It’s none of your business.’” (pg. 169)

Explanation: When the father is going to apologize to his son, he find his son is hiding a hand-gun into his pillow. This is rising action because it creates the further depressive mood between father and son. It does foreshadowing for following content.

5 )Rising Action

Quote: “Voices in the hallway.” (pg. 169)

Explanation: The father hears the voice during the son is answering the door to some friends. This is rising action because it leads to the gun-shoot as the climax.

6 )Climax

Quote: “My son is lying on the floor, his head on the bottom stair, his feet on the threshold.” (pg. 169)

Explanation: His son died from falling down on the floor. This is the climax because it takes the story to the most interesting part and it indicating that the story is about to end.

7 )Falling Action

Quote: “‘Are you hurt?’ Blood is spilling from his nose.” (pg. 169)

Explanation: The bloods comes out shows that the son is about to die. It is falling action because it helps readers to guess what happens in the end.

8 )Denouement

Quote: “I take my son’s limp head in my hands and see a hole in his nose that should not be there”(pg. 169)

Explanation: The sentence “a hole in his nose that should not be there”, tells that the father finds his son is died. It is denouement because readers get a completely conclusion of the story.

Keesh Summary

In the story “Keesh”, Keesh was a thirteen years old boy who lives in a small village with his mother. His father died during hunting. But no one remembers that. They are being bad to Keesh and his mom. They forced them to live in the poorest igloo and eat the old meat because they can’t hunt animals. Keesh want to have the same food with others. But the people in the village not agree. So he has to go out to hunt. When he came back, he got a bear and two cubs with him and he shared fairly to others. Then the people in the village starts to trust him. They let him out to hunt and let someone follow him. Then they get how Keesh kills the bear. Because he used his smart brain to hunt, he became the chief of his village and no one was left hungry again.