Materials Used: Townsley, D., Hughes, R., & Crooks, C. (2016). The Fourth R: Healthy Relationships, Safe Choices, Connected Youth. London, ON: The University of Western Ontario.


In this class, you will be sharing your findings about various substance use and addictive behaviors.  You will take a closer look at knowing when  these behaviors start becoming a problem or an addiction.

Activity #1 – Identifying When Behaviors Become Problematic

Strategy: Substance Use Discussion Continuum

  • In pairs, look at your Substance Use and Other Behaviours Card (laminated)
  • Imagine a continuum, with one end  of the continuum representing No Problems while the other end  of the continuum representing High Risk for Problems.
  • Discuss your card with your partner and decide where the scenario fits along the continuum. What criteria  did you use in the placement of the card on the continuum?
  • Move to the continuum area and stand where you think the card belongs (take your card with  you). Make the long line into a circle to create a better discussion environment.
  • Read your card and describe the criteria  as to why you stood where you are on the continuum.
  • Discuss: How would you recognize that substance use is becoming a serious problem?

(Possible responses: missing school,  looking high all the time, not completing work, becoming withdrawn sometimes, out of control at parties, change in peer group, failing courses, getting in trouble at home, stealing, potential risk for consequences, etc.)

  • The Centre for Addiction and Mental Health’s  definition of an addiction is that an addiction has the 4 C’s present:
    • 1. Craving
    • 2. Control – loss of control with respect to the amount or frequency of use
    • 3. Compulsion to use
    • 4. Consequences – using despite being  aware of the negative outcomes
  • Someone who has an addiction typically experiences negative impacts in many  different areas of their life.
  • If you notice that a friend is having  any of the difficulties  discussed on the continuum, then your friend is in need  of support.

Activity #2 – How Alcohol, Marijuana and Vaping Affects the Body and Brain

Activity #3 – Influences, Consequences, and Protective Factors Related to Binge Drinking/Marijuana Use

Step One: Snowball Throw

Answer each question below on a different piece of coloured paper.

  1. Why do youth binge drink? Use marijuana? Vape?
  2. What are the health concerns related to drinking, marijuana use and vaping?
  3. How does binge drinking, marijuana use and vaping affect relationships? (parents, friends, partners, teachers, employers)
  4. Some youth engage in harmful alcohol, marijuana and/or vaping patterns because of psychological distress. What types of positive coping strategies would you recommend instead?

Crumble up each piece of paper and throw it to the corresponding colour target when your teacher says, “go!

 Step 2: Setting Up the Groups

  • The class will be divided into 8 groups. Each group will get a topic, and will need their device to record ideas.
  • One student should retrieve half of the snowballs that relate to their topic. (The other group that is assigned  the same  topic will take the other half of the snowballs.)

Step 3: Gathering  Information

  • Look at all of the information provided on the snowballs and work together to write a summary  of the ideas.

Step 4: Presenting Ideas

  • Present the ideas your group has summarized.

Activity #4 – Thinking About Support

Strategy: Four Corners

  • The Four Corners Signs read Absolutely, No Way, Yes but… and No but…
  • Think to yourself about the following statement: Is it possible to help a friend who is struggling with an addiction or is showing signs that their behaviours are having a negative impact on their lives?
  • Move to stand  by one of the signs that best represents how you feel about the topic.
  • If your group has over 8 people, you will be split into sub groups. Take turns, to explain to the group why you chose  to go to that  corner.
  • A student  will present the ideas on behalf of the group.

Activity #5 – Assignment – How Do Your Habits and Choices Influence Your Daily Life? If you notice that you have addictive behaviours, what steps can you take to get back to healthy living? Be specific.

Strategy: Personal Reflection

My Personal Health and Wellness Inquiry

The purpose of your Personal Health and Wellness Inquiry is to create a culminating health and wellness plan. Your plan is created and built by you, based on your own personal inquiry into a number of important questions about your health and wellness.  It is a journey of learning more about yourself, exploring a variety of valuable topics, and understanding how they relate to you. You will use each lesson’s topic as a springboard to the begin your personal inquiry. It is expected that you will refine and improve your responses, as you gain more knowledge and understanding, until the final product is completed in grade 10. A draft will be submitted at the end of each of the three units.


  1. Open your Office 365 Word document titled My Personal Health and Wellness from Unit 1 lesson 1
  2. Create a Heading – Unit 2 Lesson #2 – How Do Your Habits and Choices Influence Your Daily Life?
  3. Using information provided in this unit, personal reflection, and additional research, answer the question above to the best of your ability in complete sentences. Please feel free to use real life examples whenever applicable.

Health Education Rubric






































Materials Used: Townsley, D., Hughes, R., & Crooks, C. (2016). The Fourth R: Healthy Relationships, Safe Choices, Connected Youth. London, ON: The University of Western Ontario.


This lesson will focus on practicing communication skills, problem solving and decision-making.

Activity #1 – Reviewing Social Influence/Pressure

Strategy: Group Discussion

  • When thinking about types of influences or pressures you face related to substance use, there are two main types: direct and indirect.
  • Turn to a partner to discuss the difference between direct and indirect influence/pressure.
  • Possible responses:
    • Direct- being offered a substance or being asked if they would like to use a certain substance. This might  include being actively encouraged to use it or being teased, rejected or criticized for not using a substance. For example: You are on your way to a coffee houseor school dance and the group of friends that you are walking with pull out some alcohol and hand it to you and  say, “Here…try  some of this.”
    • Indirect- seeing  other people using substances  (i.e., friends, people in music videos, movies, billboards, etc.), which  creates subtle pressure. It leads to the feeling that “if they are doing it then it must be okay for me to do it too”  or that  “it’s normal because everyone is doing it.” For example: You are at your friend’s house because her older brother is having a party. When you arrive, your friend is drunk and everyone else is too. It makes you feel strange if you are the only person not drinking.
  • Do you have any real life examples of direct or indirect pressure to share (keeping in mind the “no name rule”)?

Activity #2 – Understanding Delay, Refusal and Negotiation Skills

Strategy: Practicing Written Skills

  • You are going to have an opportunity to now practise writing a delay, refusal or negotiation type  of response. Please note, you should not be agreeing to take part in the high risk activity.

  • Pick up a Scenario from the box and read it to yourself.  Choose ONLY ONE box to write in. Then scrunch up the paper into a ball. When the teacher calls  out, “snowball” throw the paper ball towards the box at the front.
  • Repeat until all boxes are filled and you are holding on to a fourth piece of paper.
  • In pairs, share your scenario and the responses that are written on the paper, then share out with the class.

Activity #3 – Preparing for Culmination Assignment

Strategy: Instructions for Role Play Assignment

  • Read the Substance Abuse Role Play Outline and Rubric
    • You may either pick a scenario from the Delay, Refusal and Negotiation Skills Scenarios that were used earlier in the class or you may choose a topic of your own as long as it relates to addictive behaviors (such as drugs, alcohol, vaping, gaming, gambling, pornography, excessive online use, etc.)
  • You have a few minutes to plan now and will have thirty minutes in the next class to plan. You will present your role plays next class.

Activity #4 – Assignment – How Can You See Yourself Using the Skills of Delay, Refusal, and Negotiation in Your Daily Life?

Strategy: Inquiry

My Personal Health and Wellness Inquiry

The purpose of your Personal Health and Wellness Inquiry is to create a culminating health and wellness plan. Your plan is created and built by you, based on your own personal inquiry into a number of important questions about your health and wellness.  It is a journey of learning more about yourself, exploring a variety of valuable topics, and understanding how they relate to you. You will use each lesson’s topic as a springboard to the begin your personal inquiry. It is expected that you will refine and improve your responses, as you gain more knowledge and understanding, until the final product is completed in grade 10. A draft will be submitted at the end of each of the three units.


  1. Open your Office 365 Word document titled My Personal Health and Wellness from Unit 1 lesson 1
  2. Create a Heading – Unit 2 Lesson #4 – How Can You See Yourself Using the Skills of Delay, Refusal, and Negotiation in Your Daily Life?
  3. Using information provided in this unit, personal reflection, and additional research, answer the question above to the best of your ability in complete sentences. Please feel free to use real life examples whenever applicable.

Health Education Rubric 








Both the reader and respondent need to raise their hands to show that they are looking around for a partner. Once they see each other, they should give a high five.  Play rock, paper, scissors.  Whoever wins will be the reader below.


Reader:  “Your good friend asks you to steal some beer  from home for tonight when all of your friends are getting together.”


Respondent:  (pause and  look at the Guidelines  for Respondent to make  sure you are responding in an assertive way)


“You know what, I really can’t because my parents  are going to be in all night.  Besides, I really don’t like drinking  beer  and  we have  a game first thing tomorrow. Why don’t we just hang out and  watch Netflix instead. I can  bring some food,  though.”


Point out that in the actual activity, the other partner would now read their scenario and then the pair would trade cards and raise their hands to find a new partner.




6.1 v






Category Level1 Level2 Levell Level4
50-59 60-69 70-79 80-100
Thinking/ demonstrates demonstrates demonstrates demonstrates
Inquiry understanding of understanding of understanding of understanding of
the the the the
consequences consequences consequences consequences
of substance use of substance use of substance use of substance use
and  addictions and  addictions and  addictions and  addictions
with limited with some with with a high
effectiveness effectiveness considerable degree of
effectiveness effectiveness
Application uses uses uses uses
assertiveness assertiveness assertiveness assertiveness
skills with limited skills with some skills with skills with a high
effectiveness effectiveness considerable degree of
effectiveness effectiveness
Application uses delay, uses delay, uses delay, uses delay,
refusal and refusal and refusal and refusal and
negotiation skills negotiation skills negotiation skills negotiation skills
with limited with some with with a high
effectiveness effectiveness considerable degree of
effectiveness effectiveness
Communication communicates communicates communicates communicates
ideas with ideas with some ideas with ideas with a high
limited effectiveness considerable degree of
effectiveness effectiveness effectiveness


6.2 H






You and your friends want to lose weight  for a school dance. Your friends decide to start smoking and they are really pressuring you to start as well.  They have been  smoking for two weeks, and have already lost five pounds  each. They always say, “Just try it…it’s not like a hard drug or anything.”


You are at a party  where there are students from every grade. Some of your friends are playing a drinking game with older students.  One of your friends wants to leave the game because she has been  playing for a while and feels ill.  Now, everyone is calling on you to take your friend’s place in the game.


You go over to a mutual friend’s house with your dating partner. You are watching basketball on TV and your dating partner  and your friend want to go out back and smoke some pot. They want you to join.  You didn’t even realize that they used drugs until now.



You are playing on the school volleyball team.  You have  a game the day  of the school formal dance. Your team is getting together  to have dinner before  the dance.  After

dinner, some of your teammates say that they picked up some

weed and thought it would be fun if your whole team got high.





You and all of your friends are smokers and meet at the smoking area every  morning, between classes, and at lunch. After learning about smoking in health class and all of the consequences, you feel like you want to quit.




Your friend watches pornography at home  on the Internet.  He invited you and some of your other friends to join him and to have  some beer.



You are working out in the weight room with your workout partner, like you do every day after school.   A senior student, who also works out regularly, tries to talk the two of you into buying steroids.


You are at a party and your friend’s older sister and her partner took you there.  When it is time to leave, you and your friend are worried because her sister is completely drunk but says that she is going to drive. She says to you, “Get in the car, I’ve only had a few.”

You and some of your friends heard that there is a huge party on Friday night.  You decide to go with a friend, and when you get there,you are amazed. Everyone is having such a great time. Some of your friends who have been  there for a while tell you they have taken  ecstasy, and they are encouraging you to try some.


One of your friends decides to have  a party because their parents are out of town.  Everyone is supposed to bring some alcohol from home.  You know that some of your friends steal their parent’s  alcohol, but you have  never done this, as you know they disapprove of drinking. One of your friends is really pressuring you to bring something from home.




A good friend of yours is supposed to take Ritalin as prescribed by the doctor,but has been  selling some of it to others. Now, your friend is trying to get you to buy some to try.

You are at a friend’s party.  It’s a huge party and people from every  grade are there.  Your older  sibling and their friends have never done  cocaine but are talking about doing it because some of their friends have  done it and have some with them.  You are worried about your sibling and decide to talk to him about your concerns.



Your friend told you that he took some of his mom’s  painkillers

(oxy’s) and tried them on the weekend. He said it was the best high he’s ever had and now he’s taking one every morning before  school. He brought one for you to try.




Your friend tells you that he heard  that you can  get high just by drinking cough medicine. He asks you to check out what you have  at home and bring it to school tomorrow.






You are on the football team.  It’s your first year on the team but a lot of the other players  chew.  One of them offers some to you in the change room after practice.



You’re at a party with a friend and she is doing shots every time you look over at her.  At first she seemed okay, but now it has hit her really  hard.  She’s stumbling  all over the place. She comes  over to you and asks you to do a shot with her.


You and your friend smoke weed once in awhile but lately your friend seems to be smoking more. Your friend misses a lot of school and looks high every day. You’ve decided to cut back and feel like your friend needs to as well, but every day, your friend asks to go out and smoke some.



Your friend is usually pretty shy but has been getting a lot of attention lately  for partying. You don’t  really  go to parties but now that your friend is loving all the attention, the pressure is also on you to go.

Your friend has been really  low on cash lately. Your friend wants to drink at the party on the weekend and has been selling prescription drugs that were at home in order to have money to party. Your friend tells you about what a great “business” it is becoming and that you should consider doing the same.




Your good friend would like to attend university or college, however, lately  she has been  posting lots of partying pictures on social media. You’re worried that this party reputation will stay online and hurt her future goals.

Your friend always  has cash. At a party a few weeks ago, some older  students were short when buying their drugs so your friend paid the difference. Since then, these students have  been  hanging around your friend, who keeps  buying them drugs. Your friend really  believes the older students are friends but you think they are only interested in getting free



Your friend drinks high caffeine energy drinks every  single day. Even though it seems like your friend is really  anxious  and

jittery all the time,and you don’t  think it’s good, your friend

keeps  pressuring you to try them.





Your friend asks you for the left over Tylenol 3’s your Mom  was prescribed for her knee  surgery.




Your friend tells you that he borrowed his Dad’s credit card and is going play  some online poker. He asks you to play also.






Your friend tells you about  some nutritional supplements she bought online that are supposed to make you look great.  She tells you that you should start trying them too.



Your friend wants you to come over tonight and pull an “all­ nighter”  to catch up on some seasons of your favourite  show on NeHiix. The problem is that you have a test tomorrow  in first period.



You keep getting texts in the middle of the night from your friend who is struggling with some mental health issues. It is making you feel exhausted and unable  to cope with your own daily  activities.


You go over to your friend’s to spend the weekend. From the second you get there, your friend is gaming, but it’s not something  you like doing.  For awhile you just watch Netflix but you want to do something else and your friend keeps pressuring you to game.



Your friend has created a Fantasy Football pool and is trying to get you to join in. The entry fee is $100 but that’s a lot of

money  to you.

You have  had a lot of stress recently. School work is piling up, you have  had some conflicts  with friends and life at home isn’t amazing. You have never tried drinking but your friend keeps telling you that getting drunk is the best way to forget about  all of your problems. There’s a party on Friday, and your friend is encouraging you to just let loose and get drunk.


6.3 H






Work through the decision making model based on the following scenario:


You have never smoked weed but a lot of your friends do.  You are spending the night at one friend’s place and all of your other friends will be there.  They have already been talking about smoking weed there.  You are not interested in smoking weed.






















Positive- Negative- Thoughts/feelings-



I.Jnit 2: Substance Use, Addictions, and
Related Behaviours


Lesson #6: Building Skills to Resist Social Influence/Pressure




6.3 REF/V
































Ev•luate each .decision above (positive and negative consequences,thoughts, feelings}

Friend wants me to come over and  smoke weed with our other friends.  I’ve never  done it and  have no interest in doi    it.


  1. I could go over and smoke weed
  2. I could go over and make up excuses not to smoke weed
  3. I could just not go over at all


  1. I could go over and smoke weed

Positive- friends won’t bug me; fit in; confident; Negative- I don’t want to do it/not good for me, could

get  in trouble, might  like it and want to do it more  often;

Thoughts and  feelings- worry about getting caught, worry about losing touch with reality  or what will happen under  the influence, addiction, being asked to do it over and  over; feel bad about the decision

  1. 2. I could go over and make up excuses not to smoke weed

Positive- at least I can  have  fun with my friends but not smoke weed; proud of my decision

Negative- they might  get mad  and say stuff to me because I don’t want  to do it; not invite me next time

Thoughts and  feelings- worry that  my friends will make fun of me, worried  that  I won’t be  able  to resist the pressure; worried that I won’t be included next time; proud of my decision; won’t get in trouble;

  1. I could just not go over at all

Positive -I don’t have  to worry about the pressure; feel proud of my decision;

Negative- friends might get mad and  they will know why I didn’t go in the first place; left out; made fun of for not going; won’t be invited again;

Thoughts and  feelings- I want to go but worry about the pressure, getting caught; worried about feeling excluded


I think I won’t go



It’s not an easy decision.  Have to do what’s right for me, even  if my friends might  not agree


Unit 2: Substance Use, Addictions, and

Related Behaviours                                                  Lesson #6: Building Skills to Resist Social Influence/Pressure


6.4 v






Category Level1 Level2 Levell Level4
50-59 60-69 70-79 80-100

demonstrates understanding of the consequences

of substance use

and addictions with limited effectiveness

demonstrates understanding of the consequences

of substance use and  addictions with some effectiveness

demonstrates understanding of the consequences

of substance use

and addictions with considerable effectiveness

demonstrates understanding of the consequences

of substance use and addictions with a high degree of effectiveness

Thinking/Inquiry demonstrates limited understanding of social influences demonstrates some understanding of social influences demonstrates considerable understanding of social influences demonstrates a thorough understanding of social influences
Application makes  decisions for health  with limited effectiveness makes decisions for health  with some effectiveness makes decisions for health with considerable effectiveness makes  decisions for health with a high degree of effectiveness
Communication communicates ideas with communicates ideas with some communicates ideas with communicates ideas with a high
limited effectiveness effectiveness considerable effectiveness degree of effectiveness


I  I


Unit 2: Substance Use, Addictions, and

Related Behaviours                                                 Lesson #6: Building Skills to Resist Social influence/Pressure




6.5 H




Thinking/Inquiry demonstrates demonstrates demonstrates demonstrates a
limited some considerable thorough
understanding of understanding of understanding of understanding of









skills, problem skills, problem skills, problem skills, problem
solving skills and decision-making solving skills and decision-making

solving skills and


solving skills and


skills impact skills impact skills impact skills impact
resilience resilience resilience resilience
Thinking/Inquiry demonstrates demonstrates demonstrates demonstrates a
limited some considerable thorough

understanding of

social influences

understanding of

social influences

understanding of

social influences

understanding of

social  influences

Application makes decisions makes decisions makes decisions makes  decisions

for health with

limited effectiveness

for health with

some effectiveness

for health with

considerable effectiveness

for health  with a

high  degree of effectiveness

Communication communicates ideas  with communicates ideas  with some communicates ideas  with communicates ideas  with a high
limited effectiveness effectiveness



degree of




6.6 H





Name:————–     Due date:                                                     _ Please put a checkmark in the boxes that  apply. If the person did not meet  the criteria,

leave the box blank.























Additional  comments:

















































Passive                                     Assertive

”  ”  ”  ”                        ”  ”









lose-win situation




 soft  uncertain voice

sometimes  win-win outcomes



I   calm voice            I

I win-lose outcomes       I


loud and explosive voice


{$                                                                                                    {$                                                                                                    {$

         I         I I          I


“I guess, maybe”

“I” statements

“You better…”




“If you don’t…, then… “


{$                                                                                                    {$                                                                                                    {$



          nervous, uncertain

I         confident          I



doesn’t feel                    respects other person’s                    Demanding/ comfortable talking                    rights/own rights                            threatening about how  they feel                                {$                                                                                                    {$

stands up for what  they                                                                insensitive (doesn’t does not stand up for                                          believe in                          care about other’s



what  they believe in




clearly states what  they              stands up for what want  and  why                                         they believe in, but

I uses eye contact       I

does it in a threatening way that  usually escalates  the problem




There are a wide range of clips to choose from that  address  different areas of the curriculum and  include topics  such as: peer  pressure, substance use, school stressors, interpersonal conflict, dating relationships, etc.  It is important to review clips in advance of showing  them to the students so that  appropriate clips are chosen for the students in the class. You will also want to select  clips that  align  with the topics  being discussed.  The lessons identify when it would be an appropriate time to show a clip.


These clips are organized into three sections.  Part I focuses on demonstrating communication skills including assertive, passive and  aggressive communication. Part II focuses on demonstrating skills that include delay, refusal and  negotiation skills and  Part Ill focuses on a combination of skills.


Note: Any scenario  # that shows a * beside it is a clip that was most recently created by students (2015).


Part I- Assertive, Passive, Aggressive Communication Skills:



Scenario#                                Description                                          Curriculum Focus

Communication Skills
(in the order in which
they appear)




Pressure to send a picture of a friend from a party


Personal Safety and  Injury


Passive Aggressive Assertive




Choosing partner over friend


Personal Safety and  Injury


Aggressive Passive Assertive




Friends trying to convince another friend to steal a copy of exam


Personal Safety and  Injury


Passive Aggressive Assertive




One person didn’t complete part of a project for school


Personal Safety and  Injury


Aggressive Passive Assertive




Accusation of partner cheating


Personal Safety and  Injury


Aggressive Assertive Passive




Pressure to share homework


Personal Safety and  Injury


Aggressive Passive Assertive




Rumours about cheating on partner


Personal Safety and  Injury


Passive Aggressive Assertive




Grade 9                                                                                 160                                                                                         2015








Curriculum Focus

Communication Skills
(in the order in which
they appear)




Accusations of cheating (couple that  lives together)


Personal Safety and  Injury


Passive Aggressive Assertive




Making fun of a friend’s FNMI

culture (hunting and  drumming)


Personal Safety and  Injury


Aggressive Assertive Passive




Gaming addiction that is impacting school work

Substance Use, Addictions and  Related Behaviours Passive Aggressive Assertive




Friends try to convince another friend  to get high with them

Substance Use, Addictions and  Related Behaviours Assertive Aggressive Passive




One friend trying to convince another to get high at a party

Substance Use, Addictions and  Related Behaviours Passive Assertive Aggressive



One friend concerned about other friend’s  alcohol use and  the

impact on school work

Substance Use, Addictions and  Related Behaviours Aggressive Passive Assertive




One partner is upset with the other partner for drinking

Substance Use, Addictions and  Related Behaviours Aggressive Assertive Passive



Trying to convince friend to steal weed from a parent who deals drugs Substance Use, Addictions and  Related Behaviours Passive Aggressive Assertive




Accusation of cheating on partner


Personal Safety and Injury


Aggressive Passive Assertive




Internet nudes/pornography


Human  Development and  Sexual Health

Passive Aggressive Assertive


Part II – Delay, Refusal, Negotiation  Skills:






Curriculum Focus {in the order in which
they appear)




One friend pressuring the other  to vandalize a car


Personal Safety and  Injury


Delay Refusal Negotiation



Friends are pressuring another friend  to find out about a rumour they heard


Personal Safety and Injury


Refusal Delay Negotiation





Friend pressuring another friend  to send nude  pies to her boyfriend

Personal Safety and  Injury Prevention/Human Development and  Sexual Health


Delay Refusal Negotiation




Pressure to shoplift sunglasses


Personal Safety and  Injury


Refusal Negotiation Delay




Grade 9                                                             161                                                                                        2015





Description                                         Curriculum Focus

(in the order in which
they appear)




Friend admits  about cheating with other  friend’s partner


Personal Safety and  Injury


Negotiation Delay Refusal




One partner pressuring the other  to go to a party


Personal Safety and  Injury


Refusal Negotiation Delay



One friend pressuring another to retaliate against a “crew” (using a weapon)


Personal Safety and  Injury


Refusal Negotiation Delay




Pressure to participate in gang activity (stealing)


Personal Safety and  Injury


Negotiation Delay Refusal




Rumour about a friend being pregnant


Personal Safety and  Injury


Negotiation Delay Refusal




Pressure to play a drinking  game

Substance Use, Addictions and  Related Behaviours Delay Refusal NeQotiation




Pressure to get beer  for a party

Substance Use, Addictions and  Related Behaviours Negotiation Delay Refusal




Pressure to get high before the dance

Substance Use, Addictions and  Related Behaviours Delay Refusal Negotiation




Pressure to try steroids to increase athletic performance

Substance Use, Addictions and  Related Behaviours Negotiation Delay Refusal




Starting a rumour  about another student re: sexual orientation


Human  Development and Sexual Health

Delay Refusal NeQotiation




Pressure to engage in sexual behavior


Human  Development and Sexual Health

Refusal Delay Negotiation





One person tries to convince two others to drink and  then makes sexual advances

Human  Development and  Sexual Health/Substance Use, Addictions and  Related Behaviours


Delay Negotiation Refusal




Pressuring partner to engage in sexual activity


Human  Development and Sexual Health

Delay Refusal Negotiation




Pressuring partner to have sex


Human Development and  Sexual Health

Negotiation Delay Refusal









Grade 9                                                                                  162                                                                                        2015







Curriculum Focus

(in the order in which
they appear)





Sexual pressure to take relationship to the “next level”


Human  Development and Sexual Health


Refusal Delay NeQotiation





One friend trying to get  another to facilitate betrayal/cheating

Personal Safety and Injury Prevention/ Human Development and Sexual Health Assertive Delay Negotiation Refusal




One  friend pressuring the other to steal make-up


Personal Safety and  Injury


Delay Negotiation Refusal



One partner doesn’t want the other  to be alone  with another friend  to study


Personal Safety and Injury


Delay Negotiation Refusal




One  friend spreading a rumour about another friend


Personal Safety and  Injury


Delay Negotiation Refusal






One  person is racist about another


Personal Safety and Injury


Assertive Delay Negotiation Refusal




Friends have   a discussion about

“ratting” after a recent stabbing


Personal Safety and  Injury


Assertive Negotiation Refusal



A student  is trying to pass by in the hall and some others start harassing him


Personal Safety and Injury


Delay Refusal NeQotiation



First nations youth is dating a “white” person but  the friends don’t agree with the relationship


Personal Safety and Injury


Delay Negotiation Refusal





One youth wants to buy weed and tries to convince friends not to say anything


Substance Use, Addictions and  Related Behaviours

Assertive Negotiation Refusal Delay





Pressuring a friend to drink at a party


Substance Use, Addictions and  Related Behaviours

Assertive Refusal Delay Negotiation





Friend considering suicide by taking pills

Personal Safety and Injury Prevention/ Substance Use, Addictions and Related Behaviours Assertive Refusal Delay Negotiation





One partner  is being  abusive to

the other and  a third friend steps in


Personal Safety and  Injury


Assertive Negotiation Delay Refusal





Grade 9                                                                                  163                                                                                        2015




Description                                         Curriculum Focus (in the order in which
they appear)




One partner approaches the other about having sex, and there is a discussion about being tested for an STI


Human  Development and  Sexual Health


Delay Refusal Negotiation






Friend raped by her uncle

Human  Development and Sexual Health/Personal Safety and  Injury Prevention




























































EELINGS:        Have I said how I feel?





PTIONS:            Have I offered  a win-win option?





CONTROL:        Am I staying calm?




IGHTS:             Am I respecting my rights and the rights of others?




ALKING:          Am I talking assertively?






APPEN:               Have I said what I want to happen?




EALISTIC:        Is my response realistic?




























“No thanks”







Giving a reason or excuse



Let’s find something to do that  will make us both happy.




Assertively but respectfully saying no






How about if we instead?

Walk away/or other body language showing  no interest











Grade 9                                                                                  166                                                                                         2015





5.4 H







”We  are  drinking before the dance Friday night. Are  you in?   We have a

whole bottle of vodka.”

Delay: Refusal: Negotiation:



“let’s go and  smoke some weed instead of going to class.”
Delay: Refusal: Negotiation:



“My Dad  gave me  this credit card for emergencies. I’m going home to
do some online g ambling with it at lunch. Come help me.”
Delay: Refusal: Negotiation:












Grade 9                                                                                  167                                                                                       2015



“Look at these••• Ifound these Tylenol 3’s  in the cupboard at home. I

‘                                            heard it’s fun  to take them••• want to?”

Delay: Refusal: Negotiation:



“Hey, come on over and play beer pong with us.”
Delay: Refusal: Negotiation:



”Want to come over Saturday•••my parents are going to be  away and  I’m

just going to game all day long.”

Delay: Refusal: Negotiation:



“Do you want to try drinking cough syrup with me? I heard it gives you

a good buzz.”

Delay: Refusal: Negotiation:










Grode 9                                                                                 168                                                                                         2015



“My older brother smokes weed an the time•••it’s no  big deal. Here•••try


Delay: Refusal: Negotiation:



“Here, try a shot of this. It makes you feel great.”
Delay: Refusal: Negotiation:



“Hey, let’s bring some alcohol on that school trip tomorrow.   It will

make it so much fun.”

Delay: Refusal: Negotiation:



“Can you take some beer from home for tonight?
Delay: Refusal: Negotiation:












Grade 9                                                                                 169                                                                                        2015



“Why don’t Igo over to where you are babysitting tonight and  we  can

get into their booze?”

Delay: Refusal: Negotiation:



“Let’s drink an  energy drink before each class.  It will help us make it

through the day.”

Delay: Refusal: Negotiation:



“Here, put a little vodka in that energy drink.  It will help you not feel

so  drunk.”

Delay: Refusal: Negotiation:



“Come on, get in the car•••l haven’t been drinking or anything•••l just smoked a couple of joints•••no big deal.”
Delay: Refusal: Negotiation:









Grade 9                                                                                  170                                                                                         2015



“Can you lend me  some money••• Ilost a lot playing cards at lunch and I

owe someone the cash but don’t have it.”

Delay: Refusal: Negotiation:



“Let’s ask your older sister if she can use  her fake ID to get  us some


Delay: Refusal: Negotiation:



”Wow•••look at her••she’s so  drunk•••let’s take her pic and put it up  on


Delay: Refusal: Negotiation:



“Come play this  flip cup game•• you  look like you need a drink.”
Delay: Refusal: Negotiation:











“Iknow you’re feeling stressed••• don’t worry about it. Take this pill and

you will feel so great that you will forget all of your problems.”

Delay: Refusal: Negotiation:



“Here, take a shot••• can’t you see that everyone does it?”
Delay: Refusal: Negotiation:



“Drink with us before we go  to watch the game. No  teachers will even


Delay: Refusal: Negotiation:



“If you want to get  stronger and actually get results for all that weight training you’re doing, you have to try these (steroids).  It’s the only

thing that really makes a difference.”

Delay: Refusal: Negotiation:









Grode 9                                                                                 172                                                                                        2015



“Will you  come out and have a smoke with me. Ihate always going out

there alone.”

Delay: Refusal: Negotiation:



“I read all this stuff online that if we just take these nutrition supplements that I ordered, we will lose weight and  look fit without

even really trying.  Try one.”

Delay: Refusal: Negotiation:



“Ifeel like we  have to drink at  this party or we will be  the only ones

who aren’t drinking.  Here, have this beer.”

Delay: Refusal: Negotiation:



“Can you take a few cigarettes from home for me? I don’t have any

money and  my  parents don’t smoke.”

Delay: Refusal: Negotiation:







Grade 9                                                                                 173                                                                                        2015



”Want to come over and get high with me  after school. Ijust tried it

last week and I love the feeling. Iknow you will too.”

Delay: Refusal: Negotiation:



”Want to come stay over tonight (even though it’s Tuesday) and we can pretend we are  working on school stuff, but really we  will watch Netflix

all night.”

Delay: Refusal: Negotiation:



“My older sister got me  this whole bottle of alcohol and I want to drink it tonight since it’s my  birthday.  Come over and share it with me  and

then we’ll go  to our friend’s house.”

Delay: Refusal: Negotiation:



“Iknow your brother just had surgery.  Do you think you could grab a few of his pain meds to bring over tonight and  we  could try them?”
Delay: Refusal: Negotiation:







“That was such a great event we organized. Let’s get  completely

wasted tonight to celebrate.”

Delay: Refusal: Negotiation:



“That girl is so wasted. Some  guys are  taking her  to that  bedroom.

Want  to watch?”

Delay: Refusal: Negotiation: