Posts Tagged ‘fewer’

pop can race


I think the pop can move if you create enough static electricity. Either rubbing balloon on human hair or rub fur on a balloon will work the best.

How will I test my hypothesis?

  1. I will grab a  balloon and a piece fur
  2. rub the fur on the balloon for 30 second
  3. place the balloon close to the pop can. Than the pop can get attract toward the balloon.


The longer you rub the fur on the balloon more static electricity you get. When you rub the balloon on the hair it won’t work on some people’s hair. For example, when I rub the balloon on my hair it worked pretty well, but when Vivian rub it on  her hair it didn’t work. Also it is easier to create static electricity at place that is dry.


Vivian and I loose the race at first round. It look like Vivian is someone that is hard to get static electricity. When we wear testing I was the one that is rub the materials on the balloon and Vivian was the one who rub on the contest. Every time I rub the balloon it work pretty well, but when Vivian rub the balloon it never worked.


  1. My hair and balloon also fur and balloon because this materials were gaining and losing electrons to each other.
  2. In the ones we tried Vivian‘s hair and the balloon worked least I don’t know why.