Archive of ‘EAL skills’ category

Touching the spirit bear


In the movie I have the parts of Cole just been send to the island. Cole tried to swim away but he fell and hurt him badly, at this time he saw the spirit bear. This part had showed the turning point of Cole, according to the book Edwin said people can change very quickly when they were close to die. For conclusion I used some picture of Cole changing on his way, but I did not want to spoil it too much.


I have add background music to create a sad mood. However, I want people to feel the pain by stay alone and I hope they can understand that Cole is not a bad character. During the part have the campfire I have put the fire sound instead the music because it is when Cloe start to change.

I think the main themes of this book are healing and anger. Healing have make change the main point od the book is about hoe dose Cole change. The one is anger, I have anger is because Cole is always angry and his anger came from his past. I think Cole’s past is very important in the book. There is also some sub themes like lonely but I think all those themes can fit in the either healing or anger.
( I’m sorry I sleep over a bit)

You know what cats are the cutest animals

Ouch! My Face
Squish, squish, squish cat’s paws are as soft as marshmallows
Every timae when you squish it you will see theirs pointy nails
Meow! Three scars on the face, the cat walked away
walking toward the sleeping cat, ouch trip over the book
Cat runs away again

Swing, swing, swing, the cat is swinging its tail like a pinwheel
The cat like to laying on the floor and swing its tail
Meow! Six scars on the face the cat walk away
Looking for the missing cat, ouch trip over the cat
Cat runs away again

Drip, drip, drip, the bathroom feel like a sauna, the cat escape
Looking for the missing cat and finally catch it
Meow, nine scars on th face, but I didn’t give up
With ton of scars on the face, and finally I finished boiling the cat
Cat runs away again

Whin, whim, whim, having a cat as pet is not easy st all
They are not as loyalty as dog they runs away ever time
But on the end you will forgive them by their cuteness
Cat is back

My poem is a lyric poem because it is telling a story of a cat and there is rhythm in the poem. The idea of this poem come from cat. Cats are my favorite animal. It is easier to write about what I like. The them of this poem is cats are cute; however, I don’t think everyone think cats are cute by reading my poem. Ever one have their own point view and in my view the cat in the poem is cute. I did not use rhyme in the poem for it easy to write. When you use rhyme you need to know many words and I don’t which is challenging for me. I used onomatopoeia, simile and rhythm for my poem.

My soul is the piano, his words are the keys.
Together we compose, the best of symphonies.

How my soul replays his words of the day.
Like a composer writing a play.

I hear the music, as he strikes a key.
an orchestra, is what I see.

Two soul that share a common ground.
a friendship they have found.

What is a piano, without the player.
It’s like a soul, without a desire.

It sits alone in the dark,
waiting for someone to light a spark.

A hope or a desire,
waiting for someone to inspire.

To play a song of the heart,
a song of two souls that will never depart.

I love cats (❁´◡`❁)*✲゚*

Tripping Over the Cat

(Keith Gunderson)

Tripping over a cat is no small thing.
I resolve to get the day off to a fast start,
Tripping over the cat.

Not tripping over the cat
And tripping ever my own feet
I hear my toes meow.

We go on vacation and board the cat at the vets.
I miss tripping over the cat,
Tripping over a tackle box.

Tripping over a friend’s dog I say,
“I’m sorry, there must be some mistake.”

My small son tripping over a kitten
Illustrates the rest of his life.

Tiger or the Lady

In the store “Tiger or the Lady”the jealousy, reckless and powerful princesse ask her lover to die. The king in the story is crazy. He determines whether a person is innocent or guilty by luck. There are two doors. Behind one of the door there is a tiger and behind the other door is a beautiful lady. There is a guy who falls in love with the princes; however, the princess lover had been sent to the arena to decide if he is guilty or innocent by falling in love with a princess.  Even though he survives he still has to marry a woman he never meets. Asking the prince’s lover to be eaten by the tiger is better for either the handsome man or the princesse.
In the beginning of the store, the narrator demonstrates how crazy is the king and his daughter inherits his personality. For example,” The Princess[s] was as wild and reckless as her father.”(p.g 146). This quote shows that she inherits many negative personalities from her father. The princesse gets jealous very easy, she cannot accept that her lover marries another person. Suppose her lover marries that woman she will kill both of them for sure. Second, the princess is the only one that knows who is behind the doors. The woman who is behind the door is the most beautiful lady in king’s court, and the princesse hate her. The princess had seen her lover talking to this woman once. It was just one minute, but the princess still became jealous. No one wants to give someone they like to who they do not like, same with the princess.
As result, the princess reckless personality will lead her lover to death. The princess would not care too much about that because she is jealous, reckless and powerful princess. Maybe she never thinks about what she will do after her lover die, or she might have another lover. Who knows it is her choice not her lovers.

Writing lesson

                The lost Girl

Wendy is a Korean girl who studies at Canada. During golden week Wendy and her family went to beach locate at Hawaii. Wendy and her families lived in the fancy hotel that  is beside the beach. In the room there is a  gigantic window and two king size bed which are as soft as cloud. On the second day Wendy and her families went  to the beach. At the beach Wendy’s mother was guarding there baggage under a huge sun umbrella. Wendy and her sisters went to swim. When they were relaxing in the ocean a girl swim in to Wendy. Later on Wendy and her sisters find out that the girl is lost from her mother. Wendy took the girl to lost and found to check if the girls mom is there. or someone that is looking for there childes. Wendy and the girl waited at lost and found for more than two hours, but no one come. Wendy give up waiting. She asked her sisters to help. They asked as many people as they can, but they still did not find her mom. When everyone starting to give up there is a women running to us, who is the mother of the girl. Later the mother told us she have been hit by a car and she just came back from the hospital. At night time Wendy and her sisters fall asleep as quick as pigs. Because the tiredness of running around to find the lost girls mother, they all had a dream when they were small.Desrciptive Writing Image 1