October 2018 archive

Caffeine dehydrates you


Source 1 talk about the idea that caffeine causes dehydration was first discourse in 192. They found people who increased their urination drank caffeinated drinks, and that caffeine was a diuretic. Professor Lawrence Armstrong is director of the laboratory for kinesiology and human performance at the university of Connecticut. The idea spread, and caffeine’s reputation as a dehydrating substance was cemented. According to a 2016 survey by the center for public health nutrition at the university of Washington. While the stimulant doesn’t cause dehydration, it also has some so-called side effects, including rumors that it could stunt human development or cause cancer.
Source 2 it also says caffeine doesn’t dehydrate people only increase urine. It may be some sort of ancient culinary legend that coffee and tea are dehydrating. Caffeine is indeed a mild diuretic, which means it causes people’s kidneys to excrete excess sodium and water through their urine. Dr. Daniel Virgil, an associate clinical professor of family medicine at UCLA’s David Geffen school of medicine, explains that it’s reasonable to think that people might be dehydrated if they urinate frequently, causing a lot of fluid to drain, but that’s not the case.
To conclude, Caffeine dehydrates people is a swindle. Caffeine in crease urine doesn’t take water away from human body. People think it dehydrates because when people pee they lose water from the body and they more they pee the easier they will get dehydrate which create an illusion of caffeine will dehydrate human body.

Mom’s Apple Pie Jam

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In September we made many different and delicious food, this recipe gives me most strong impression over all the recipes I have done; however, when I was making the jam there was a fire drill and we did not get enough time to cook it. Even though there won’t enough time to cook I still enjoyed the lab because I was cooking with my pleasant team mates that wouldn’t take any jam and it was fun to watch the chemical change on the apples. On the end the jam turns out very well except it is too sweet. Due to there was not enough time my group have to broke up the job and help each other, but we still couldn’t make it on time. I hope we can get more times for next time. Also, I think we could pit more effort to clean the jar to make it less sticky. When we were pouring the sugar, some were spilled in the stove and it was extremely hard to clean. If possible, I think we can put less sugar and more lemon juice to the jam. The one we made this time is too sweet even there are less sugar.