November 2017 archive

Archemedes Challenge

Lever had been invented since the Stone Age, so it is impossible to say who and where it was invent. From the earliest remaining writing, lever was provided by Archimedes during 3rd century BC. Most to exert a large force over a small distance at one end by exerting only a small force over a greater distance at the other. In ancient China there is a Chinese style lever. The Chinese lever is used for trading; moreover, in ancient China they use lever to calculate the mass for goods, than decide the price by where they place the object.

Manadalas projects

1. I think I’m active listener and supporter. I ask my group member if there is anything they need and I grab it. However, I had a quiet group there was not much to talk, but we all listen to each other when we talks.
2. We have discuses what is stem punk and we end up with all using wheel and clock design. We had discuses Camille first piece is too aboriginal instead steam punk. Tommy had research sites to show Camille and I use what I have to show Camille what is steam punk.
3. We put our pieces together once a while to see if the colors are balanced and we all discuses peacefully.
4. I think I have success with working with other, we all add a wheel on the outer layer. We all used same color even though one color dies in middle. Using same color pallet and design are the gaol we have achieved.
5. I did set up for the group whenever I came early.