February 2016 archive

Writing lesson

                The lost Girl

Wendy is a Korean girl who studies at Canada. During golden week Wendy and her family went to beach locate at Hawaii. Wendy and her families lived in the fancy hotel that  is beside the beach. In the room there is a  gigantic window and two king size bed which are as soft as cloud. On the second day Wendy and her families went  to the beach. At the beach Wendy’s mother was guarding there baggage under a huge sun umbrella. Wendy and her sisters went to swim. When they were relaxing in the ocean a girl swim in to Wendy. Later on Wendy and her sisters find out that the girl is lost from her mother. Wendy took the girl to lost and found to check if the girls mom is there. or someone that is looking for there childes. Wendy and the girl waited at lost and found for more than two hours, but no one come. Wendy give up waiting. She asked her sisters to help. They asked as many people as they can, but they still did not find her mom. When everyone starting to give up there is a women running to us, who is the mother of the girl. Later the mother told us she have been hit by a car and she just came back from the hospital. At night time Wendy and her sisters fall asleep as quick as pigs. Because the tiredness of running around to find the lost girls mother, they all had a dream when they were small.Desrciptive Writing Image 1

Science Lab

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What was your Question?

How does different materials react to fire.
What was your hypothesis?

My hypothesis is that most materials will be burned and some will be melt.
What was your independent variable? Dependent variable? Controlled variables?

Independent   The yeast and hair they get direct burn

Dependent   The eraser was melting if temperature is too low it won’t happen.

The dish wash soap was solidified cause water in it have been evaporate
What did you find out? Was your hypothesis correct?

eraser melt, yeast and hair burns, but dish wash soap solidified which is different with my hypothesis.
If you were to do this experiment again, what would you change? Is there another variable you could test?

I will changed the materials to burn. For other variable I could test how materials react to different degree of fire.