Diffusion in Agar Cubes

The cube that turned pink all the way through, was the 1 cm cube. The 1 cm cube contained the highest and maximized diffusion. The Sodium Hydroxide solution completely diffused, which made the diffusion very effective. Since there was less agar in the cube, the NaOH was able to transform the whole cube pink within…

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Fishing and Salmon Industry

Tilapia- Types we should consume: With the information I found in Ocean Wise, I researched the types of Tilapia that we should consume, and the ones that we should stay away from. The Oreochromis, Sarotherodan and Nile tilapia that are caught in Ecuador, Peru, Mexico, Honduras and the US are the locations that is recommended….

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Ethic of Care and Environmental Ethic

How do you personally define an ethic of care? How I personally define ethic of care would be the ability to act, while positively influencing others. Thinking about a person or thing implies you include sentiments or feelings connected to that thing. Care is happy to react to other people and take care or move…

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Wave interference

Constructive interference: Constructive interference of a wave, is when two waves come together to make a bigger wave. In our video it is tough to see, but at the beginning the wave is much larger and this is where the two waves come together to for a larger one. You can see it goes back…

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Videos of 4 types of waves

Videos- http://myriverside.sd43.bc.ca/benjaminp2016/2019/05/17/videos-of-4-types-of-waves/ Pulse: Above is a demonstration of a pulse wave on a slinky, it is not a repeating wave and is mechanical. Transverse Waves: Above is a demonstration of a transverse wave, the spring is moved to the side and let go and the wave goes across to the opposite side. Periodic Waves: Above…

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