Sammy Sperm

Sammy sperm was born in a city called Testis, and was given birth by the meiosis family. However Sammy grew up in a town called Epididymus where he lived his childhood and matured. Sammy decided to go on a search for the perfect egg when he matured. So Sammy packed his bags, left all his friends, and drove for Van Deferens Highway, a very long path. After a long drive he reached Lake Bladder, and then stopped at Seminal Vehicle Diner where he ate dinner. Sammy continued driving through Lake Bladder until he reached Urethra Expressway, the home stretch! The Expressway way known for its acid rain, so Sammy took a pit stop at the Prostate Gland Acid Proofing Shop, and the Cowper’s Gland Lube Shop. This would prevent any uncalled for stops. he was now travelling faster than ever before as he crossed over into some foreign territory, Vaginaland. Upon his arrival, he passed Cervix Station and  quickly made his way to a nice town called Uterusville where he hoped to find Ms Right, but could not. Sammy kept trucking along until the road split between the Right Oviduct Road or Left Oviduct Road. He after a hard decision, he took the left route until he bumped into Ms Ovum, the perfect egg. They both moved back to Uterusville, settled into a nice part of the womb, and after a while had a baby of their own.