Living in space

Living in the ISS is much different than living on earth. It is important to stay strong, neat and healthy.

When living in space, astronauts do not experience the same amount of gravity as we do on earth. Since their is no gravity anchoring them to the ground, they do not need to use their muscles nearly as much so they weaken. Their lower backs and legs lose strength, and their bones become weaker and thinner. To avoid this, they must exercise every single day, like running on the treadmill.

Astronauts do not have a bathroom in space like they do at home. Instead they are assigned a personal hygiene kit which is made up of toothbrushes, toothpaste, combs, brushes, and shavers. when brushing their teeth, they don’t have a sink so they have to spit in a washcloth. They also have to use special kinds of soaps and shampoo that don’t require you to rinse them off. These were originally made for hospital patients who couldn’t get in water to clean themselves.

Since astronauts live in a cramped space with sometimes 4 other people, it is of utmost importance for them to keep their living quarters tidy and organized. Astronauts wipe the walls, floors, and windows to keep them clean. They use a soap that kills germs. there are 4 garbage bins in the space shuttle, 3 are for dry trash and 1 is for wet trash. Wet trash is any garbage that may smell bad? The wet trash is closed and connected to a hose when its full to take the smell away. They also use vacuum cleaners in space, except its used to keep dust out of air filters as well as catch floating objects that may be out of reach.