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Street Pharm

In Street Pharm Allison van Deepen introduces us to Ty Johnson, a sixteen year old kingpin drug dealer who lives in inner city Brooklyn, New York. After Ty’s father is sent to jail he must run the business while his dad is locked up. Being a successful drug dealer has taught Ty discipline, hard work, and street smarts. Life is good, until a rival drug dealer comes into town looking to knock Ty off. He must be more alert than ever as he has to deal with school and his new girlfriend as well. Allison van Deepen teaches us to not live our lives in lies. To maintain this life style he must live a life of lies. He has lost people and their trust doing so. Ty must decide whether what he is doing is right and if the consequences are worth the wealth that he acclaims.

Who does Ty lie to? Ty has lied to many people, but most importantly to the ones he cares about lie his mom, dad, Alyse, and Sonny. These are not white lies he’s telling either, once they find out it may destroy their relationship beyond repair. If Ty continues to lie and hurt the people he loves the most he may have no one left in the end.


À: Kate Upton, Arnold Schwarzenegger and Sylvester Stallone
Bonjour, vous êtes invites à notre pique-nique. Le pique-nique débutera le 23 décembre 2014 à 1 heures. Elle se tiendra à Stockholm en Sweden. Ce sera une fête de noël à thème. Merci


$6.98-15,83g of Brie cœur de lion.
$7.98-17,160kg of Poitrines ou hauts de cuisses de poulet
$9.79- Incluant rabais instantané
$32.99- A l’achat d’une caisse de 30 canettes Coors Light
$2.49- Bâtonnets de fromage

Total- $60.23

Hosts: Evan, Reece &  Jahan