Facebook’s privacy problems

I first joined social media in Grade 6, I joined Instagram and immediately set my account to private. I don’t like the idea that strangers can look up my account and see my pictures with out following me. So when i joined Facebook i noticed that problem right away. I find it strange that on all the social media apps I have (Instagram, Snapchat, Tumblr, Twitter, etc) that Facebook is the only one that has these privacy problems. In this article from the New York Times, Zuckerberg talks about his plan for Facebook in the future. His plan is to incorporate features from other apps like Instagram, Whatsapp and Messenger to better insure Facebook’s privacy. I don’t believe that this will happen any time soon as Zuckerberg has tried to change Facebook’s privacy in the past, but I can only hope.

1 comment on “Facebook’s privacy problemsAdd yours →

  1. Thanks Reagan – the world of privacy is over if you’re on social media even with privacy settings.

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