Poetry analysis

Song Lyrics

Face the pain is a song told in first person and is about facing the pain and suffering in a fight and keep on getting up and fighting like a soldier no matter what the struggle is, there is a reason that it is the UFC intro song because it is made a song to get you going for your fight. There isn’t much poetry terms but they are still relevant and can be looked at more closely in the song. The comparison between the fighter and a soldier can be looked at like the fighter having a hard time in a fight but never giving up like a soldier would in war, this shows that no matter what happens the fighter will not give up. Also, saying face the pain is a good way to say that the fighter is never giving up. A metaphor “seeing red” is also a good way to describe the fighters struggles, as he is getting beat so bad that blood is coming down his face into his eyes and he is seeing red but still not giving up no matter what, and then saying “face the pain!” as he gets back up is a great way to talk about the struggles. it also describes some of the surroundings so you know where the fighter is and how he is surviving in the ring and keeps on fighting. Also, saying “watch you rise, watch you fall” is a great way to say that the fighter keeps falling and rising again no matter what happens. He also says “to end this suffering, I need a minute to myself so I can drift away” it means that he is struggling at the end of the round and needs time to relax to get back into the fight. These are very descriptive lines and show the struggles in a fight.  A personification in the song would be “a soldier’s heart repairs itself” which means that the will to fight with a soldier’s heart is repairing itself and getting that will to fight again.



fighting to the death

seeing your opponent fighting

fighting back



Fighting to survive

Destroying your opponent

Fighting like a soldier


Fighting as hard as you can



First person

Telling a fight story


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