Poetry in the News

Image result for a world of subscriptions



The Subscription Takeover

As more and more subscriptions are born,

My wallet begins to mourn.

Each payment brings,

Me to wait for another season of Stranger Things.

More and more coming all the time,

I’m going to end up spending every dime.

I scream out in pain

Because the new season got delayed again

The bills thicken like bread

And I begin to dread

The next monthly bill

But I force it down like a pill

For each month that I pay

It helps me enjoy the day.

Although I do not watch a lot of the shows

There a some with a lot of pros

Sometimes I sit and wonder

What would happen if these companies went under?

Would we be able to cope?

Or would we need something to give us hope?

But that’s for another day,

Until then, lets just sit and enjoy this break away.


Article that inspired my poem

The New York Times – How to Navigate a Flood of Streaming TV Subscriptions


Mini Podcast


Reading The Poem


Mini Composition

Subscriptions are becoming the way of life, with more companies coming out with their own form of TV or music subscription it makes it hard to keep up. Each one having their own exclusive TV shows to incentivize you into buying their service. The poem I wrote aimed to take a satirical/comedic approach to subscriptions and their effect. In the line”Each payment brings, Me to wait for another season of Stranger Things” I was aiming to say that not everyone has the service for all that it has to offer, some only have it for one show that they like to watch.

There are companies that make these subscriptions that know how to make everyone give into their service. The more people get into purchasing these, the more it encourages other companies to do the same. Look at Apple, they recently created their own TV subscription  service alongside their music service as well. The amount that there is now is crazy, if you have most of the services that are offered you are probably around the same price that cable companies are charging. I myself am guilty of getting on board with some of these services, I enjoy watching good shows, and the more I can get my hand on the better. With the Netflix lineup not being so good at the moment, I am into HBO shows and looking at getting more services as well. The more people that fall into the same trap means the more companies will realize what a good opportunity it is for them. Youtube has also just picked up the trend with their own service as well. I just hope that all companies don’t go this way, or else the free services will be shoving their payed service down our throats. Cable used to be a monster of a service, having almost 1000 channels and all the shows you want and more for over $200 a month. But now with more companies switching to cheap and small subscriptions, it looks like cable and other services are going to be a thing of the past, unless something drastic happens.

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