Essay Reflection

Writing this essay was difficult, I struggled with comparing aspects of the story because most of what I was comparing was the same. The stories were not that interesting either, so it was hard to write about something that wasn’t interesting to me. Maybe if I thought more critically, I would be able to come up with more to compare between the 2 stories but I really just wanted to get the essay over with so I never had to look at it again. Although this was not my best work, I still did try to do well on the essay. I tried put a topic sentence before each paragraph, which is still new to me. I tried to make my own thesis, but I don’t think it worked out that well. Looking at the Core Competencies, I think I followed the Personal and Social: Positive Personal & Cultural Identity. I made many connections with the real world to the story and people’s identity. I could have improved with the Critical Thinking competency, thinking more about different interactions in the story rather than the same things just in different views.

Overall I think that the essay was decent. I could have improved in a few aspects, but I believe that it was decently written for the first essay of the year. Hopefully I can improve my writing throughout this year.

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