How sustainable is BC’s forest industry?

Our forest industry generates 140,000 jobs, and generates a total of 8.6 billion dollars. The forest industry in a core part of BC generating 12.9 billion dollars in GDP. BC is a major exporter for forestry, 21% of all traffic in the Port of Vancouver is transporting forestry.

Silverculture is the act of reforestation, so when a forest has a large amount of it cleared out, they plants trees to compensate for what was removed. I think that it is a good thing to do since they cleared something the only right thing to do it to replace it.

Clearcutting it where they clear an entire forest to get materials necessary for the economy, I believe that this is the worst way to clear trees as it results in a mass loss of trees with no return for them.

Selective logging is where they remove part of the forest and leave the rest in tact, I believe that this is one of the best ways to cut trees because they only take what they need and leave the rest of the trees alone

If they were to combine Selective logging with Silverculture then it would be a perfect world for forestry, taking only whats needed and replacing what was taken. Not all workers do this but maybe in the future we could move toward this.

I believe that our forest is good because it generates a lot of income but we I think that we abuse it sometimes and hope it gets better in the future.

1 comment on “How sustainable is BC’s forest industry?Add yours →

  1. Where did you get the 140,000 jobs from? Both sources I showed you mentioned fewer.
    We do practice silviculture but I was hoping you could look into how effective it is. If we’re still cutting down more than we plant, then it might not be sustainable.

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