The problem with mainstream media outlets

Mainstream media has a big problem, whenever something big happens the media usually doesn’t focus on that issue. They usually find someone to blame for the person actions, that happened with the most recent events in New Zealand. The shooter was recording himself the whole time, during the recording he said “subscribe to PewDiePie” as a joke from recent jokes on YouTube. When the media caught light of this it was the center of attention for them, they decided to blame PewDiePie for the shooting and not put any blame on the shooter. I find this completely messed up. In this article The New York Times puts PewDiePie in the main headline for the shooting, all though they do not blame him for the shooting he is still the center of attention for the whole article. I hate the fact that media now a days is based off of clicks and getting more people to click on your site because PewDiePie is in the headline, instead they should have a headline like “Mass shooting in New Zealand leaves multiple dead” so people know what they are reading, and so the person who does something like this can be blamed for his actions.

1 comment on “The problem with mainstream media outletsAdd yours →

  1. Thanks Reagan – while he is not responsible for the shooting, sounds like he has done some stupid things

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