Ethics that have influenced me

I have played a lot of video games that have tested my moral ethics and choices. One of those is the Bioshock trilogy, in the first 2 games to get a certain resource you a have to choose weather to save a little girl and get a small amount of resources or kill her and get a large amount, depending on what choice you make throughout the game it affects the way it ends.


Another game I played was Spec Ops: The Line. Spec Ops is a military game that has multiple choices for what to do but they are usually both bad. One time you didn’t have a choice and you launched mortar shells on supposedly enemies, but it turned out that they were survivors. The mortar shells had white phosphorus in them which ended up poisoning the people to death.

Bioshock has had a positive impact on me because it led me to thinking about choices and dilemmas and how a different choice can make the difference, whole Spec Ops: The Line has me thinking that even you think that it’s the right thing to do it could still be wrong and hurt people.

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