Get to Know Me

Summer Paragraph



This summer was pretty fun, I had some fun at the beginning with a few basketball camps at Terry Fox. The camps gave me some time to work on my basketball skills. The coach that runs the camp is one of the best coaches in British Columbia, Don Van Os. He has 34 years coaching experience and pushes you really hard to make sure that you do your best and learn something new. I did 3 different camps run by him in the beginning of the summer.

After that I didn’t do that much, I played a lot of Xbox and watched some Netflix, all my friends like to sleep in so I had to do something to occupy my mornings. After that I started hanging out with some friends. A little bit later Pokémon Go came out and we were going out every day playing it for hours, sometimes our phones would die so quick that we would have stop at one of our houses to charge our phones. Soon we actually were smart and bought some portable power sticks so we could be out for longer.

Shortly after that my parents started making me do the Coquitlam Crunch with them which was a good thing because I could play Pokémon and get egg kilometers while I hiked it. One time I saw Jacob doing the crunch. At the same time my dad started making me go on a bike ride with him through the Poco trail. It’s a really good bike and we can usually do it in just over an hour. A few times my parents would make me do the bike ride with my dad and then do the Coquitlam crunch which just made me dead tired and need a lot more sleep. A bit later I went to a few places in Vancouver with some friends for Pokémon, and got lots of Pokémon. In conclusion it was a fairly good summer, Pokémon go came out and I stayed fit. Hope that next summer will be just as fun as this one.

By: Reagan O’Reilly

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