How cells multiply

  • Sexual and asexual is 2 different ways of reproduction sexual reproduction requires a 2 parents while asexual only needs one. There are 5 ways of asexual reproductions binary fission, budding, fragmentation, vegetative reproductions and spore formation. One way of mating one allows fertilization to take place, which is the joining of a haploid sperm cell with a haploid egg cell to form a diploid zygote. There are two types of fertilization, external and internal. External fertilization occurs when the sperm and egg cell join outside of the bodies of the parents most commonly used by animals.


  • Mitosis and Meiosis both have the same steps but meiosis does it twice and during anaphase the sister chromatids are separated to opposite poles but the thing is that the difference between the two cells that the mitosis involves one cell division and meiosis involves two.


  •  Mitoses is where the nuclear contents divide, and two daughter nuclei are formed. It is broken down into four stages prophase, metaphase, anaphase, and telophase. Early prophase the nucleolus disappears and the spindle fibers, and in late prophase the spindle fibers attach to centromeres of chromosomes. Metaphase the chromosomes align on the eqauter of the cell. Anaphase the spindle fibers pull sister chromatinds to opposite poles of the cell. Lastly telophase is the final stage of Mitosis and its when the spindle fibers disappear and the nuclear membrane forms around each separated set of chromosomes.


  • Meiosis produces 4 daughter cells where as Meiosis 2 produces 2 daughter cells. In meiosis 1 the homologous chromosomes separate and in meiosis 2 the sister chromatids separate.


  • growth of organisms: The life of a cell is called a cell cycle and it is dived in three stages. The first stage is Interphase and its job is to carry out the cells normal functions. Interphase is the longest cell cycle stage, its when the cell performs and carries out various functions. In late Interphase the DNA copies itself and this process is known as replication. The process of replication involves several steps, the DNA molecule first unwinds the separates with a help of an enzyme, next new bases pair with the bases of the original DNA and at the end two new identical DNA molecules are produced. this continues to make protein till the end of interphase to cytokinesis



  1.  Large numbers of offspring are reproduced very quickly
  2.  Large colonies can form that can out-compete other organisms for nutrients and water
  3.  Large numbers of organism creates higher success rate of species surviving
  4.  Energy is not required to find a mate


    1.  Disease can destroy large numbers of offspring
    2.  Some methods of asexual reproduction produce offspring that are close together leading to compete for food and space
    3.   Extreme temperatures can wipe out entire colonies

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