HCE 9- English Write

See the source image

I chose this photo because it can have multiple answers based on your thinking. Some people may think it represents

respect for others, some people might think it represents collaboration. I think it represents respect because of how

the people are accepting others into their country with acceptance and peacefulness. This is also a representation of

equality. This picture also represents the way humans interact with each other.


To me, this photo means many things in many different ways. The most noticeable to me is the respect they are

showing for others. This respect is how people learn to adapt to new things. For example, when people like in this

picture act true to them self, they find many wonderful qualities about others as well, when people don’t stay true and

try to be like  someone else, they find out later that they have a impact on others that could be negative.


Secondly, this photo also shows collaboration. The two statues shaking hands shows trust between the two

communities. Collaboration in this photo is slightly noticeable, with two communities coming together as one to

form a trusted and peaceful community which accepts others.


Thirdly, This photo shows equality. Furthermore, equality is a very elaborate thing to have when binding

communities, to have people’s differences be noticed and accepted for who they are.


Lastly, This photo shows many things that are important to notice. lots of these qualities are good to have and accept when it comes time.


Raihan C


Electrical Innovation Project

Electrical Innovation Project By Raihan Chung

What is the problem?/ How did you think of it?

According to HealthLine.com, “todays society is eating much more food then ever before.” Most of this is because of quarantine, and people decide to snack on little things throughout the day. This can lead to obesity of not contained. Many people eat way more then they need during common meal times, piling their plate with things that look good, but never get eaten. This is a worldwide problem and can be solved if people are willing to play their part. This also affects the environment from large agriculture usage and overfishing. Meat producers like Tyson Foods use extremely large areas to grow and raise their beef. This results in greenhouse gases from the animals and deforestation to provide the space needed to grow these animals. Did you know an acre of the Amazon rainforest is cut down every minute to provide space for nearby meat producers?

We thought of this problem for our project because it is not common and many people don’t realize it. Also, it may make the world a better place and make people more aware of their food portions and what they are eating. In short, our idea is to help people balance their meals so they can stay healthy and happy as they grow older.

Pancake With Honey on Plate      Red Eat Neon Sign Turned on

How does our idea work?

Our idea is a food scale with a simple, series circuit underneath that makes a light turn on when the scale passes a certain weight point. The light is triggered by a battery off to the side that provides power to the light when the metal bottom of the scale touches the negative terminal on the battery. This signals that your portion is exactly 1.2 pounds, which is the average serving size for adults. After the light turns on, you simply remove your plate and the scale will reset back to its original state. This design helps people manage their serving sizes and its also quick and easy to do.

Here is a drawing of our idea:

How does our idea solve our problem?

Our idea is meant to solve overeating for adults. It will help them balance their intake of food daily and should become part of their routine. In restaurants, food will be brought to you, already weighted and ready to eat. But in all, our idea is a home utensil and will keep people from overeating because of habit, or because of temptation.

Why is our solution better then other options?

Our solution is better then other options because of its reliability and its quick and easy to use. It is also quite small and light to carry around. It is a good solution for overeating because it is very reliable as well.

How does our circuit work?

Our circuit is a circuit that turns on a lightbulb. We used one battery to provide the energy and wires to funnel the energy to the lightbulb.

Here is a photo of our circuit:

How does our circuit work using terminology?

Firstly, the batteries create electrical energy from chemical energy to produce the current flowing through the wires. Then, using the voltage from the battery, the current passes through the load (lightbulb) and the load converts the electric current into light energy which makes the lightbulb light up.

Sliced Vegetables      Three Cupcake With Pink Icing


Our challenge for this project was to decide on one world problem and find a unique solution to it using circuits and electricity. It was a way interact with other classmates and use our imagination while learning about science. I think this project was a great way to mix science with ADL. Lastly, this project was a way to express our own ideas while having fun and talking to one another.


The problem of overeating has been addressed before in some Netflix documentaries and some news channels. But it has never been a big problem that needs to be fixed immediately. Some people have thought of many different ideas to stop overeating. Here are a few: No distractions, try volumetric, eat fiber-rich foods. Some of these work, but people forget overtime if it does not become part of their routine.



The only solutions that we thought about while doing this challenge project were:

Weightier- (final results)


Our final result was a food scale with a simple series circuit underneath. This helps weight your food so you know how much you are eating and what is the average meal weight. When you place your plate on the scale, it goes down and if it hits the battery and the current starts and the light turns on, then you know your plate is the average meal weight. After, you simply remove your plate and the scale will return to its original state.

By Raihan Chung







Spheres Field Studies 2020


Our field studies helped us learn about invertebrates and which invertebrates live better in different water qualities. This connects to our spheres study because these invertebrates live in the spheres we are studying. Our objective is to have a hands-on experience while learning about the four spheres in a way that also teaches us about how to get invertebrates and how to keep them safe while studying them.

In the Coquitlam River, our group found one caddisfly larvae in our water veil. Our water quality for the river was 87.8 as a class which is under the good quality water. This means the rivers water is safe for human contact and has very little impairment. Normally, good waterways support a large diversity of life but sometimes can be below desirable levels. We found not a lot of invertebrates in the Coquitlam river because the water is fast-moving and most invertebrates cannot survive in that water. This means the health of the river is in good condition considering the amount of vegetation and clear water.


In the Oxbow Pond, near Riverside, we found many different invertebrates which live in various conditions. The water quality index for the pond was 73.4 which is in the good category of water. This tells us that humans can have direct contact with this water, but it is not exactly clean-looking. The health of the pond is in good condition because various invertebrates live there some in which could never survive if the water was in poor condition. We found fish, water boatmen, caddisfly larvae, and some immature stoneflies. This means the health of the pond is a suitable living space for many species and even though the water many look muddy and dirty, it is actually in good condition for all of these many species we have found.

We got 89.5 on the river water quality, which is good in my opinion for the amount of dirt and mud in some parts of the river. In Oxbow Pond, we got around a 73 which is still under good quality

The water quality and invertebrate life differ from river to pond. the river had more cleaner water because the water was moving faster but it did not have a lot of invertebrates or vegetation. The pond had still, cloudy water but had tons more life and vegetation. I think the difference is that the water in the pond in still so life can grow and live without being pushed downstream. This makes the diversity of the life and invertebrates different between the two testing sites.

In conclusion, I think these activities were a great way to learn about waterways and invertebrates while having a hands-on class with real-life invertebrates. I learned how to test water quality and what invertebrates live where and why different water ways hold different or more diverse wildlife and other features. I think to make this activity more meaningful would to have more outside time to learn about invertebrates in real-time.