Community Connections 2021

For this project I had to interview someone with the same interests as mine, interview them, and reflect on the interview.

Over the course of a couple days, I have interviewed many different people. These people do things that I love and have inspired me to try new things that I could have never done before. Even though I had many choices. I decided to choose my optometrist, Dr. Karim Mithani. Dr. Mithani works in a partnership with Coquitlam Optometry. He has been my optometrist for many years now, and I have seen what he does and have become interested.

Image result for coquitlam optometry

I decided to choose Dr. Mithani because he is a very nice and smart person, and enjoys learning about math and science, as do I. I also chose him because I am interested in learning more about the human vision and eye. He is also very calm to be around and takes his work quite seriously. One thing that stood out to me in this interview is how hard he had to work to get where he is now, and that is something to remember.

I asked Dr. Mithani several questions:

1. Why are you passionate about your job or role?

Karim: I love my profession as an Optometrist for several reasons.  I get to meet and interact with so many patients. I enjoy talking to them, getting to know them and developing a long term relationship. Additionally, being able to help people to see is very rewarding. Sight is such an important sense and having patients trust me with that is also rewarding. Another reason I am passionate is I enjoy science, math and physics and this job requires all of those skills.

2. What obstacles have you faced to get where you are today?

Karim: A very good question. Some of the obstacles were being focused while in school and not getting distracted.  The schooling required is demanding so being focused is very important. Because the schooling is overwhelming at times, you have to also try to balance that with physical and social activities.

3. What is some advice you would pass on to someone interested in what you are doing?

Karim: Some advice I would give is, to shadow an optometrist so you get an idea of what the job entails.  That way you can see if you enjoy what a typical day would be. You have to remember  you will be doing this job everyday, so you have make sure you enjoy it.  Talk to other optometrists about what they like and dislike about the profession.  Also, in University when you are doing your Bachelors degree try to get as high grades as possible.  However, in addition to grades, other factors that are considered are volunteer experience, communication skills, and how well rounded your education is.

4. What drives you keep doing what you are doing?

Karim: I am driven by always continuing to learn. As in any job, there are always advancements in Optometry and staying on top of those allows me to provide the best care to patients.  Having patients trust you with their vision is a big responsibility, so making sure you always work hard to  provide the best to care to each patient is very important.

5. Why did you choose this path of life?

Karim: I chose to be an eye doctor because in school I enjoyed physics and biology and those are the 2 main subjects which Optometry is based upon. Additionally, I enjoy the business aspect of Optometry which involves the making of eye glasses.  Also, I enjoy the social interaction when dealing with patients. I did not want to do a job where there was not a lot interaction with people. Lastly, helping people provides a lot of gratification.

What I have learned from this interviewing project:

I learned that if you want something, you have to pursue it with the mindset and confidence that you can get there. It wont be easy, because nothing comes easy. But if you believe you can make it, and you work hard to get to it, you will pull through. Another thing I learned from this interview, is that certain jobs, such as this one, require a huge amount of constant focus and determination.




Digital Footprint Raihan C

What exactly is a digital footprint? A digital footprint is essentially your online identity. it is important to have a positive footprint. That is what i am talking about today.

Firstly, how might your digital footprint affect your future opportunities?

Digital footprints can have a lasting effect on your future jobs and opportunities. These opportunities could be bad or good depending on your footprint. But when you are careful and mindful about what you are posting, your final outcome is more likely to be greater. But before the positives, lets talk about the negatives. Here are some negative outcomes because of your digital footprint. Your co-workers and bosses may see your social media and see you doing not mindful or dangerous things and question you about it and it could hurt your reputation. Another reason is your digital footprint could be seen by many different people and they could share it with others that you might know and you could become a infamous local celebrity. Thirdly, you could end up getting a lower-paying job because of what your peers see online and what they think about you. Lastly, it could have a lasting affect if your footprint gets sent to many people and gets popular province-wide or world-wide. Well, now you know the negatives, what about the positives? Here are some good outcomes when it comes to digital footprints: Your co-workers and bosses may see your social media and see you are a hard-working, well-mannered person. They also might not see anything because you dont post that much. Another good thing of having a positive footprint is you might be hired by the job company you wanted to work for because of your footprint that helped them find you, the right candidate. There are lots of benefits from your online identity when you stay on top of things and remember to only share items to trusted people.

Close-up Photography of Smartphone Icons        Person Writing on White Paper      Grayscale Photo of Footprints on Sand

Secondly, what are some strategies that you can use to keep your digital footprint safe and appropriate?

Remembering what is on your social media or the Internet is vital when checking on your digital footprint. Strategies to help you maintain a positive digital footprint can help you reap the benefits later on. Here are some great strategies for a positive footprint researched and posted by Put your settings on private so your content is blocked off from the outside world and always make sure your posts on social media are appropriate if they are public. If you feel like your posts are not being posted safely, double check your privacy settings. If you are online, make sure if you are sharing pictures or videos with people, they are people you trust and you know they wont share it with anyone else. When creating new accounts, always make strong, and memorable passwords which are hard to guess by others. Think about your mobile use on the internet, because if you don’t use it lots, delete those apps because mobile is known to be less safe when browsing and searching. Another strategy is daily checks by searching your name on various search engines and see what is there and what you can do to remove false or bad stuff online about yourself. My last strategy for you is that you should never, ever tell anyone your password to your phone our computer. Because that could change your digital footprint forever.

Black Smartphone Displaying Error        Free stock photo of access, algorithm, binary, bytes      White Iphone Xr

Lastly, what information did i learn which i would pass on to other students?

That digital footprints are important for your future and always keep your private posts private and that you should create a safe footprint so people know who you are and don’t question your online status. Also, always know what settings you have on so you know who is seeing your posts. Remember that your footprint is your online identity and anyone in the entire world can see you and your reputation by just the touch of a button, and that is why you keep your posts private. Lastly, another tip is to check daily on your account to make sure your future is in your hands, not someone elses.


Photos Cited:

  1. (Phone Screen)

2. (Pencil and phone)

3.(Sandy footprints)

4. (Error)

5. (Green code)

6. (Apple phone)