1. What is your personal reaction to this movie? Did you have any preexisting ideas about food insecurity? Were you surprised by some of the information that was presented? Why or why not?


  • I was quite surprised when watching this movie. I had pre-existing ideas on food insecurity but not to this degree. I knew many parts of the world suffered from malnutrition and hunger, but I did not know the conditions that many of these people face. Unfortunately, I always had the misconception that because of malnutrition and hunger they would pass on quite quickly. I did not know the suffering that many of these children face, that the pain and malnutrition pass on generation to generation becoming a recurring problem. I was not aware of conditions such as marasmus or kwashiorkor, nor how prevalent these conditions were. I also was not aware of the extent of the problem, I had never thought to critically think why these issues are happening in the first place. It isn’t just not having enough food on the table but an entire stream of issues stemming in their respective societies.


  1. If you were in a position to directly or indirectly influence the issue at hand (such as a politician or policy maker) what would you do to help? What policies do you think could aid those that are hungry? OR What is a way that you could make a difference today? How would you go about making that difference and change?


  • I feel a lot of the issues creating food insecurity is related to economy. Of course, lack of food sources is one, but another big factor is money in general and being able to afford options like healthcare and affording the proper foods for a complete diet. A big problem with this is the societal structure in many places and the lack of quality jobs that can sustain many of the families. In some places around the world they prioritize obtaining a boy from birth, this cultural idea leads to having very large families, most times that can’t support themselves. I think proper education is another way of making a difference.