Food Waste Plan

Preventing and reducing food waste is not something that simply comes to mind, if it does, that would be great! Unfortunately, those preventatives and reductions need to be actively thought about. It does not help too that food packaging from stores as well as restaurants aren’t always environmentally friendly or focused towards food waste. My habits are not perfect either.

Food waste in my life develops in different ways. The largest source of food waste for me must be from takeout. The inconveniently large amount of plastics and packaging are a big waste for me alongside any foods that do not get eaten. At home food waste consists of food scraps that are not utilized further, but instead thrown out because there is no use for it.

I could improve my food waste if I reduced the amount of times I went out for food, this is continued with an at-home solution of creating more waste efficient meals.  Moreover, when I do go out, to eat only as much as capable as well as, if I bring the food home, I need to actually finish the meals. At home I can improve the situation by planning out what food I need to buy and using them before buying fresh ones. Not only that, I need to utilize foods as much as I can to stop myself from unnecessarily throwing away foods. An action plan I can do is to mark how often and control how often I eat out. Another way is to plan my meals, first, and buying the amount required accordingly.