Last class, we were able to have a Google Hangout with Tanya Harrison – who is a student in Geology at the university of Ontario. Tanya is specializing in planetary science. Tanya is also a professional photographer. Our class was able to ask Tanya question about what she is doing. Athena and I asked Tanya “What is the hardest part about her job?” – Tanya responded with “The hardest part about my job is learning and remembering all of the terms and parts of a rover.” In this Google Hangout, I think Athena and I took a risk by asking Tanya such a hard question, but Tanya was still able to come up with a great answer. Even though I was only able to ask Tanya 1 question, it was still really interesting to hear my classmates ask Tanya their own question, and learn more about Tanya and here job. Here below, I have embed the a bit of the Google Hangout so you are able to see.
Science 9
Ballon Lab Responce
Matone De Chiwit
Here below, my group members and I emailed Karishma and asked her if she wanted us to help her make a Instagram for Matone de Chiwit.
Karishma said that she had people working on her Instagram. We thought since Karishma don’t need someone to make her a Instagram, that we should help promote what Karishma is doing to help.
Here is the photo of what 2 of the group members (including me) posted on Twitter to help promote Matone De Chiwit.
Mutation Story – Angelman Syndrome
Mutation Story
I am a gene inside William’s body. This is angelman syndrome. I effect 1 in 12 million people. I was caused by a mutation in the maternal copy of the UBE3A gene. This is caused when a person, inherits two copies of chromosome 15 from his father instead of one copy from each parent. I am a genetic disorder, that will effect William’s characteristic features such as talking, developmental delay, problems with walking/moving, and hyperactive behavior. Even though I cause a lot of negative things in Williams’s life, he will still live an almost normal life span. Now that I have explained the causes and effects, I’m going to tell you a bit more about how William was effected.
When William was 6-12 months old, both of his parents started noticing delay in sitting, walking, crawling and babbling.
While William lives the rest of his life he will constantly need to be looked after, to make sure nothing bad will happen to him. Since William has angelman syndrome one effect that is known as hyperactive behaviour. The hyperactive behaviour will not only effect William but the people around him. If William doesn’t like the environment he is in, the people he is around or his muscle jerk, his reaction will be in kicking, or pinching people.
William is able to live a normal life in the day but yet again another one of the symptoms is taking over his life, which is sleep. When diagnosed with angelman syndrome, a big affect is sleep.
***Here is the link to the Canadian Angelman Syndrome Society
Questions :
- What questions did you need to research in order to create your mutation story?
Some questions that I searched in order to write this story is, What are the causes, what are some effects, facts, and I even searched up some real stories about people who have Angelman Syndrome.
- What new or familiar digital tools did you try to use as you worked throughout this project?
The digital tools I used for this project was usually whenever I have to write an essay I usually use information from textbooks or written stuff online, but for this one project I really wanted to know how people were effected so I watched a YouTube video about some girls story.
- What was the process you used to investigate the topic?
The process I used to investigate this topic which is Angelman Syndrome was searching up key words, taking notes on an open word document and watching videos about this syndrome.
- How did you verify and cite the information found?
I was able to verify the information I used because most cites that I went to had a lot of the same things in common as the other cites. I cited my information by putting all the links to the websites below.
- How did the process of the completing this challenge go? What could you have done better?
I found completing this was fun. I really enjoyed doing this project and researching about Angelman Syndrome. Something I would’ve liked to do better would have more to my story.
Sources :
Modeling Mitosis
Edible DNA model
Google Hangout
- Here I have the video chat with Karishma. We were able to do the chat on google hangout.
- During the Google Hangout, my class and I were able to come up with question to ask Karishma Bhagani. Karishma is from Mombasa, Kenya. She also attends NY University. Karishma has created a water filter for the people in Kenya to have clean drinking water. During this experience I felt very fortunate to have clean drinking water. I also felt very lucky to talk to Karishma and hear why she wanted to do this.
- -How would you feel when you accomplish your goal of having clean drinking water in Kenya? How did the idea come to you of creating a filter for clean drinking water? How many people in Kenya have the water filter you have created? What is the next thing you want to do for everyone in Kenya after the water filter?
- What I have learned from the chat is that Karishma is very dedicated to what she does. Karishma is a very hard working and will fight for what is best for Kenya. Here are some of the answer to the question. How would you feel when you accomplish your goal of having clean drinking water in Kenya? – Karishma said “I would feel like I’m on top of the world!!”. One question that stood out to me was “Do you think that the country Kenya is over looked? – “Many different developing countries in Asia or Africa are over looked.”
Currents From the Kitchen
What fruit/ vegetable will give off the most electric charge?
The lemon will give off the most electric voltage.
- Lemon, lime, potato, carrot, apple, banana
- Wire
- Ammeter
- Nail
- First we are going stick a copper wire and a nail into our fruit/vegie
- We will attach both conductors to the ammeter with the wire.
- Measure the charge.
- Lemon: 1v
- Lime: 0.8v
- Potato: 0.6v
- Carrot: 0.5v
- Apple: 0.5v
- Banana: 0.3v
The lemon conducted the most charge and the banana conducted the least.
In conclusion our hypothesis was right. The lemon created the most static charge.
Currents from the kitchen, Predictions
Copper – Science 9
This project that I have completed with my group members, Athena, Jenna Paige, and Hailey. We all thought that choosing copper would be a great element to do a project on. I think my whole group, including me really enjoyed this project!