Real Motion Moments

  • Here below is a video demonstrating and explaining constant velocity. In the video they have a diagram that is to help show the information that is given and as well as show us change. In the video they also go over how to graph on the diagram and how to label it. 


  • The video below demonstrates what acceleration is and how it is used. The video also has a definition of what acceleration is – “acceleration is the rate at which velocity changes in a period of time”. The video uses an a truck speeds for example, and talks about how its speed. Then, they show us how to find the final answer in acceleration by dividing the change in velocity.

Social Confederation

  1. What colony did you represent?
  • I represented Prince Edward Island

      2. What did you feel were the biggest or most important issues for your colony?

  • I think the biggest issue for Prince Edward Island was trading and transporting goods, and transportation for citizens.
  • I think the most important issue that happened was when the ferry terminal was put into place. Since it was put into place, it would help transport citizens, and move goods.

      3. What strategy did your group come up with to deal with those issues?

  • We came up with a strategy that was able to meet almost everyone needs. We worked around our issues and we tried to figure out a way to solve it.

      4. Did you have to make any concessions during the negotiation phase?  If so, what agreements or concessions did you come up with?

  • In order to get what we wanted, we had to help out the other colonies. We helped pay a small portion of       the Railways and in return, they helped us pay for the ferry.

 5. Were you happy with the outcome of the confederation debates?

  • Yes, I was very happy with the outcome of the confederation debates. I was supersede with the outcome because I thought most people would’ve had a different opinion than my group, but it turns out, a lot of the other colonies wanted the same thing as my group.

 6. What is one thing you wish had happened differently with the final results and why?

  • Something that I wished that would’ve happened differently was agreeing on having a fee for the Island colonies. I think by having a fee on each Island it would help bring in more income and a less chance of debt.

Staying safe at work

3 things I will do to keep myself safe at work are…

  1. I will report if I don’t feel safe doing the job.
  2. I will tell someone if I need help or don’t know how to do something, or I will help someone if I notice they don’t comprehend how to do something that may risk their life on the job.
  3. I will be cautious in the environment I work in, and I will make sure my co-workers are safe as well.

1 thing I will do to keep others safe at work is…

  • Something that I will do to keep others safe at work is make sure everyone is safe, and their lives aren’t risk.

Float Your Boat

Float Your Boat


State the problem of this experiment: 

The problem of our experiment was that we had to figure out how to create a boat with tin foil, a piece of tape, coffee stirrers, and a straw.

State your hypothesis for this experiment:

Our hypothesis was that forming our tin foil so it is shaped like a boat  will help make the pennies stay in the boat longer.

How many pennies did your boat hold?

Our boat held 23 pennies

What was your thinking/reasoning behind the design of your boat?

We designed our boat so it would look like a boat itself. We thought that since we made it look like a boat, and we had great support under the boat, that it will help it last longer in the water.

What would you keep/change on your boat design if you were to do this again?

I would change the design of how we made the boat float, because we used a straw and tape for the bottom. The tape became wet and fell off, which made us only get 23 pennies in our boat.