Last class, we were able to have a Google Hangout with Tanya Harrison – who is a student in Geology at the university of Ontario. Tanya is specializing in planetary science. Tanya is also a professional photographer. Our class was able to ask Tanya question about what she is doing. Athena and I asked Tanya “What is the hardest part about her job?” – Tanya responded with “The hardest part about my job is learning and remembering all of the terms and parts of a rover.” In this Google Hangout, I think Athena and I took a risk by asking Tanya such a hard question, but Tanya was still able to come up with a great answer. Even though I was only able to ask Tanya 1 question, it was still really interesting to hear my classmates ask Tanya their own question, and learn more about Tanya and here job. Here below, I have embed the a bit of the Google Hangout so you are able to see.
4 thoughts on “Tanya Harrison – Google Hangout”
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Whoa Quinn that was great! What made you choose the question you chose?
Nice blog post Quinn! I like how you inserted photos and the actual Google hangout in yours! Nice, organized post!!
Great Job Quinn! I liked how you embedded the video so that it is easy to watch. I also liked how you inserted a little picture with some facts about Tanya I think that was a really creative thing to do.
Great work, Quinn. Thanks for your background information, your picture and your embedded video of the Google Hangout. Make sure that you comment back to your readers to keep the conversation going.